Donnerstag, 30. April 2009

Dat Peterle hat mächtig Beef...naja fast^^

Aha aha aha...unser Peter lässt sich nicht so schnell unterkriegen! Auch nicht von dreisten Reportern, wie Marc Malkin. Der hatte nämlich erst neulich nach einem Interview mit Peters Frau, Jenny Garth, deren scherzhaft gemeinte Kommentare, völlig falsch wiedergegeben.
Auf seinem Blog verrät uns Mr. Malkin nun die ganze Geschichte wie es dazu kam, dass Peter ihm seinen Hintern versohlen will. Aber keine Panik, es ist am Ende alles doch nur ein Scherz^^

I recently posted some jokey comments Garth made to me during an interview about being "pissed off" that hubby Peter doesn't cook for her like he apparently does for his Twilight costars.

Mr. Facinelli cooked up a response to yours truly.

"Lets not try to make a 'meal' out of this," he wrote in an email. "My wife was joking. The reason I stopped cooking so much is because she's better at it. And most nights I take her out to eat anyway. She's not 'pissed off.' So lets not try to stir up some controversy where it doesn't exist."

I quickly offered to buy Facinelli and Garth dinner, but I never heard back from them...until yesterday.

My intrepid reporter Dahvi Shira caught up with Facinelli at last night's LG Rumorous Night party.

"Tell Marc I'm going to kick his ass," he said. "Tell him if I see him, I'm going to kick his ass."

Not to worry, Mr. Facinelli was joking.

With that out of the way, Dahvi then grilled him for New Moon scoop. He said the cast hangs out together all the time.

What kind of things do they like to do?

"Dinner at my house," Facinelli laughed. "Marc Malkin knows all about it."
thx to PillowBiters


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