You all went through this together as a pack, too.Yeah, that was the one thing that was really cool; it did bond us. We’re unknowns, and we couldn’t tell anyone for a month that we were cast. So we just talked to each other, made sure we kept each other in check, got competitive with one another. It was like [we were] brothers. I gained so many family members through this, which I’m really grateful for.
So you were this unknown actor living in New York who suddenly found himself on the set of this huge studio blockbuster. What was that like?It’s so surreal, I mean, I’m feeling it right now! On the film sets of New Moon and Eclipse, I feel safe. It’s like you’re in the center of the hurricane, but outside is where it starts to get chaotic. I would say that, in the last few days, I started noticing that I’m in this huge franchise. I’m going to be in one of the biggest movies of the year, and it’s a little surreal, frightening, and exciting all together. It’s like one big roller-coaster ride.
You’re the oldest wolf in the pack.Yeah, and it’s funny: I play the alpha wolf, the leader, and I kind of fell into that role. I don’t know how that happens. But I am the oldest—I had a few films under my belt—and I kind of helped some of the other guys. I’m very protective of them. If anyone tried to hurt them, I’d probably go ballistic. They’re good guys. We take care of one another. It was like freshman coming into high school; we were the new group. We all come from different backgrounds, too. We’re Native Americans and we have a different outlook on things. We didn’t come to mess around; we came with our A-game, and we definitely made sure our presence was known.
Let’s do some wordplay. Please give one word to describe each of the actors you work with in New Moon, starting with Alex Meraz [“Paul”]. - Primal.
Bronson Pelletier [“Jared”]. - Jokester.
Kristen Stewart [“Bella Swan”]. - Fighter.
Gil Birmingham [“Billy Black”]. - Heart-and-soul.
Tyson Houseman [“Quil Ateara”]. - Intelligent.
Kiowa Gordon [“Embry Call”]. - Goofy.
Taylor Lautner [“Jacob Black”]. - Loveable.
Das ist wirklich faszinierend wenn man sich die Interviews der Wolfpack Darsteller mal so durchliest, vor allem das hier von Chaske also mal ehrlich man hat einfach mal das Gefühl DAS IST DAS WOLFPACK!!!!
,,...and I kind of helped some of the other guys. I’m very protective of them. If anyone tried to hurt them, I’d probably go ballistic...''
,,...We take care of one another.''
,,...So we just talked to each other, made sure we kept each other in check, got competitive with one another. It was like [we were] brothers...''
Sicher mit ein Grund dafür das der Film nur gut werden kann :)
Komplettes Interview auf VanityFair.com!
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