The cliff diving scene was the most fun because the whole Wolf Pack was there and we were jumping off these 50-foot scaffolding things onto an air mattress. It was pretty exciting to be able to do our own stunts.
What was it like having to come together and bond as the Wolf Pack?
We were entirely new, and it was a lot easier. We relied on each other to get through everything. There was so much to learn, but it was organic. We spent a lot of time together at the gym, and that's what helped. As far as the original cast from Twilight, they were really cool. We didn't spend much time with them because all of our scenes were really just with the Wolf Pack. It was easy.
Taylor [Lautner] did have some experience from the first film …
His bigger role was coming in New Moon, so he was new to it, too. We kind of all learned together. Taylor's an amazing person. He really knows how to even everything out for himself—the work, the play, the socializing. He's a really smart guy. I look at him as being a little man.
What did you do during your downtime on the set?
We showed each other exercises. Taylor would show some of his workout, I would show some of mine. We'd practice martial arts tricks … just goof off! We had a great time. That's part of what our characters were like anyway. We're supposed to be frisky, friendly—like brothers. I think everyone on set was affected by it because they were always looking forward to the days when the Wolf Pack would film … everyone was really excited. They knew we were going to bring a different kind of energy.
Are you up for some wordplay? Please give me one word that describes some of the New Moon actors starting with the Wolf Pack. OK, Bronson Pelletier [who plays “Jared”] …
Aw, man. [Laughs] Jokester!
Kiowa Gordon [aka “Embry Call”].
Bewilderment. [Laughs] He's always thrust in these crazy situations that … he's pretty young. At 19, I didn't have these crazy things. I mean, I'm 24—I consider myself a man. I have a wife, a son, and I've had some practical life experience. This kid just got thrown into it, so it's new to him. To me he always has this
Taylor Lautner [“Jacob Black”]
Taylor! Loyal.
Gil Birmingham [“Billy Black”].
One word is really hard. I would say … intuitive.
Chaske Spencer [“Sam Uley”].
Aw man, love him. Wisdom.
Kristen Stewart [“Bella Swan”].
Aw, she's awesome. I would say badass.
Rob Pattinson [“Edward Cullen’].

No, I just met Alex [Meraz] at the auditions.
How did the wolves come together as a pack?
They got us a personal trainer, and we just went to the workouts and got to know each other. We saw each other’s strengths and pushed each other’s buttons; we really bonded during that time. We’d go out to eat a lot and watch movies …
What was your favorite scene to shoot?
I call it the “muffin scene.” It’s right after Bella finds out we’re all werewolves, and we take her to Emily’s house while Jacob, Paul, and Sam are off in the woods taking care of some wolf business.
Did anyone on set take you under their wing or give you any good advice?
Just the Wolf Pack. We all helped each other along and gave each other advice.
What’s it been like filming the third installment, Eclipse?
It was a lot more fun being with the guys this time around. We already knew each other, had new stuff to talk about, a new director, and we actually had some scenes with the Cullens [the saga’s main vampire clan].
Give me one word to describe each actor: Taylor Lautner [“Jacob Black”].
Tyson Houseman [“Quil Ateara”].
Kristen Stewart [“Bella Swan”].
Gil Birmingham [“Billy Black”].
Chaske Spencer [“Sam Uley”].
Komplettes Alex Interview HIER + Kiowas Interview HIER!
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