und zwar für sein neues Musikvideo!
Okay ich bin ehrlich, ich hab am Anfang kein Wort von dem verstanden was er da grummelt, passend an dieser Stelle das Zitat von Robsessedpattinson:,,...Timbaland may look high (he probably IS) but he is a genius...'' :O
Hier ein Interviewauszug...
,,...Now he says he's on the verge of getting Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and possibly other "Twilight" stars to appear in the video.''
''If I get Bella and Edward, it would be [ideal]," he explained. "I'm gonna give a twist to it, though."
,,Timbaland's twist would involve embracing the dark side of the vampire world while casting himself and friends in key roles'' (das zu sehen wäre mir einiges Wert^^) ,,which he hopes will meld Forks with the aesthetic of Kate Beckinsale's hit vampire series.''
,,Combining the what-are-they mysteries of the "Underworld" franchise with the romantic drama of "Twilight," Timbaland is convinced that RPattz and KStew could bring his music video the right tone. In his possible story line spun off from "New Moon," Timbaland and SoShy would appear as vampires offering Edward piece of mind as he flees for Italy.'' (Haaaa, der Hammer BITTE lass es zu Stande kommen :O)
"We would protect her while he goes away from the other dude (Jacob) and the other people (the Cullens)," he said, comparing the plot to developments we'll see in "New Moon" next month. "We was his last hope, he wouldn't want to use us, the whole thing. If [Edward] calls us it would be a big payback — a big price to pay to call my team of people to protect her. It's a whole little story line."
Genial: ,,We would protect her while he goes away from the other dude and the other people...''
Ich würde wirklich gern dabei sein wenn sie das den beiden vorschlagen Herr Timbaland ;)
Komplettes Interview auf Mtv.com!
3 Engel für Charlie - Rezension
Am Donnerstag ist "Charlie's Angels" aka. "3 Engel für Charlie" in den
deutschen Kinos angelaufen und wie immer kommt hier nun eine völlig
subjektive und K...
vor 5 Jahren
Hahaha...glaubt ihr wirklich, die Beiden würden das machen?? Ich würds ja gerne sehen, wie Timbaland als Vampir aussieht^^ So Homie-Vampire mit viel Bling-Bling
AntwortenLöschenjaa genau dasselbe hab ich mir auch vorgsetellet^^ timbaland kommt als vampir mit seinen anderen vampir homies im rolls royce angefahren :O