''I guess the whole thing is, you don’t want to wake up one day and realise you’ve turned into someone who you weren’t before and it wasn’t your choice. ''

Chris Weitz is your new director on New Moon. How has that been?
"I really love Chris. Not only is he a good director, he’s a great guy. God, I sound like such an arse-kisser! But he actually is.
He didn’t really try and change anything. He saw what me and Kristen were doing and worked within the realms of that."
Do you feel trapped in a Twilight box?
"Not really. I guess I have no choice right now – because I’m contracted to do them. But they’re all going to be done quite quick.
I’ll have done three of the four by October of this year, then I’ll only have one more to do."
The obvious comparison is Harry Potter… Do you think this is easier to make though?
"I guess it is. The Harry Potter I worked on was an 11 month shoot. I couldn’t be doing that.
I don’t know how those guys stayed sane – they’ve been doing it for 10 years. I would go completely crazy"
Have you talked to Daniel Radcliffe about this sudden fame?
"I haven’t talked to him in a while. I guess you try and stay Zen about it. You have to just learn to accept it.
I guess the whole thing is, you don’t want to wake up one day and realise you’ve turned into someone who you weren’t before and it wasn’t your choice.
That’s the only scary thing. It’s always really up to you. Most of the time, you can control it to a degree."
Do you get stopped everywhere now?''
Yeah. In weird little places… I went up to Yorkshire and I was walking down a street in Guisborough and there was one person on the street.
I looked up for one second and they said, “Hey, can I get a photo of you?” How can you have immediate recognition in Guisborough? That was very strange!"
What about all this stuff on the internet, all the gossip about you…
"I don’t really care. Everybody in my life knows what’s real and what isn’t. Apart from my mother, who seems to believe every negative thing that’s written about me!
She’s like, “I can’t believe you did this!” I’m like, “I didn’t!” And she’s like, “Yes, you did, I know you did!"" - So GEIL :O
What did your mum tick you off about?"
It was about swearing! I said, “I wasn’t even in the city” and she was, “I bet you did say that!”
She’ll literally believe a gossip magazine over her own son."
Ich liebe es!Ich liebe Rob's Interviews, ich könnte mir wirklich seitenlange Interviews von ihm durchlesen ohne das es langweilig wird und das klingt jetzt vielleicht total krank und alles aber ich glaube wirklich das Rob ganz einfach und simpel gesagt ein wirklich lieber Mensch ist...ahrg bekloppt aber so isses :O
Komplettes Interview auf Totalfilm.com!
"I really love Chris. Not only is he a good director, he’s a great guy. God, I sound like such an arse-kisser! But he actually is.
He didn’t really try and change anything. He saw what me and Kristen were doing and worked within the realms of that."
Do you feel trapped in a Twilight box?
"Not really. I guess I have no choice right now – because I’m contracted to do them. But they’re all going to be done quite quick.
I’ll have done three of the four by October of this year, then I’ll only have one more to do."
The obvious comparison is Harry Potter… Do you think this is easier to make though?
"I guess it is. The Harry Potter I worked on was an 11 month shoot. I couldn’t be doing that.
I don’t know how those guys stayed sane – they’ve been doing it for 10 years. I would go completely crazy"
Have you talked to Daniel Radcliffe about this sudden fame?
"I haven’t talked to him in a while. I guess you try and stay Zen about it. You have to just learn to accept it.
I guess the whole thing is, you don’t want to wake up one day and realise you’ve turned into someone who you weren’t before and it wasn’t your choice.
That’s the only scary thing. It’s always really up to you. Most of the time, you can control it to a degree."
Do you get stopped everywhere now?''
Yeah. In weird little places… I went up to Yorkshire and I was walking down a street in Guisborough and there was one person on the street.
I looked up for one second and they said, “Hey, can I get a photo of you?” How can you have immediate recognition in Guisborough? That was very strange!"
What about all this stuff on the internet, all the gossip about you…
"I don’t really care. Everybody in my life knows what’s real and what isn’t. Apart from my mother, who seems to believe every negative thing that’s written about me!
She’s like, “I can’t believe you did this!” I’m like, “I didn’t!” And she’s like, “Yes, you did, I know you did!"" - So GEIL :O
What did your mum tick you off about?"
It was about swearing! I said, “I wasn’t even in the city” and she was, “I bet you did say that!”
She’ll literally believe a gossip magazine over her own son."
Ich liebe es!Ich liebe Rob's Interviews, ich könnte mir wirklich seitenlange Interviews von ihm durchlesen ohne das es langweilig wird und das klingt jetzt vielleicht total krank und alles aber ich glaube wirklich das Rob ganz einfach und simpel gesagt ein wirklich lieber Mensch ist...ahrg bekloppt aber so isses :O
Komplettes Interview auf Totalfilm.com!
Du hast völlig recht seine Interviews sind wirklich spitze! Er wirkt überhaupt nicht abgehoben und es wirkt immer so als würde er so ehrlich wie möglich antworten :) (die Gechichte mit seiner Mum ist mal witzig xD)
AntwortenLöschenMan muss ihn einfach nur lieb haben
AntwortenLöschenich finde auch das es imma interessant is seine interviews zu lesn ;)
AntwortenLöschenman merkt er is ein gewöhnlicher mensch, wie du und ich is, und nicht irgend so ein abgehobener film star aus hollywood !! er kommt einfach total sympathisch und menschlich rüber und das ist es was ihn auszeichtnent !!^^