My friend was able to attend the Oprah Eclipse screening and this is her experience!!!!! "They tell us that the movie is not complete so be warned that it is rough but they wanted us to be able to see what they have. It starts and there is no sound. And I think boy, they weren't kidding when they said it was rough! But they rewind the movie and start it again. Ha! The music wasn't complete so we don't know what will be on the soundtrack. That will be a good thing for us once it's added and we can watch it with everyone else on June 30. There was a scene when a wolf was animated and there was some scenes with subtitles, too. Also there was some really shaky camera scenes and lighting issues but for the most part it was done.
So I was very surprised that the balance between the Edward and Bella moments and the action was well done. They had ALL the MAJOR Edward and Bella moments but sadly not all the moments we loved from the books but at least they had the MAJOR ones. And of course those scenes were rushed and didn't have exact dialogue like fans would like. BUT I was pleasantly surprised and can be happy with it. So some may say they got it all perfect and others may say they are very upset things were left out! They DID have the leg hitch scene! Oh it was good, hot and SEXY! Their conversation wasn't really the way I remembered it and he doesn't crumble the part of the wrought iron bed to demonstrate how strong he is. They had a LOT of good kissing in the movie which was really lacking in New Moon. Edward was cute and smiling except when Bella was snapping at him or breaking off the kiss for some reason.
Charlie is absolutely perfect! He just nails it everytime and has such spectacular comic relief! Love him! The scene with him and Bella discussing her virginity was AWESOMELY awkward! It could not have been more perfect. And the wolfpack meeting at the bonfire was very well done. Not too long and just enough information given. I like the Jasper backstory. I felt that was done really well and there are a couple of great Alice and Jasper moments! The Rosalie backstory was ALMOST perfect. The Alice kidnapping Bella scenes were left out and that's when Rosalie tells Bella her story. The big problem is they also took out the part where Rosalie tells Bella about going to see her friend Vera and wanting a child like Vera's new baby boy. She fell in love with the child and dreamed of being a mother someday. It's the main reason why she was so upset she was changed into a vampire and
and that is why she's upset with Bella for choosing to give that up. This is a crucial to undersstanding her actions in BD with Renesmee. It just seems like these movies are way more pro Jacob than Edward. They don't seem to understand Jacob winds up with Edward and Bella's daughter so they shouldn't make him seem so much like a hero. SO the biggest thing that is wrong and unacceptable is that Alice never kidnaps Bella when Edward goes hunting. You never get the feeling Bella has to be kept safe from whatever is happening in Seattle. So all of a sudden Jacob is at school talking to Edward about the treaty being broken by Emmett and Jasper and then Bella is mad at Edward for not keeping her clued in. The next thing you know she's on the back of Jacob's motorcycle speeding away from Edward like na na na na na! It makes me so mad! Bella was a brat in the book sometimes but never like that! So it was in your face to Edward! I HATE that part and it was the worst part.
It definitely was not that way in the book! Then there is the tent scene and for the most part it was really good. They left out the "space heater" comment which seemed way wrong to me because they should use all those cute classic lines the fan loved from the books. The dialogue with Edward and Jacob is good but the scene ends abruptly without the standoff between them! I love that part of the book and I'm sad it wasn't in the movie. The part where Jacob and Bella kiss was very upsetting but the really bad part is when Bella goes back to Edward afterwards. The whole conversation is just all wrong! Bella never sheds a tear and she never seems sad by her behavior...that's all wrong!! It's like ooops it just happened. Blech! The hair in this movie is SUPER bad! Everyone just looks so fake that it is comical and very distracting! I burst out laughing once when Peter was on the screen! His hair and makeup were just so poorly done! Edward was the only one that looks good!
Riley is a main character in the movie and definitely has more scenes than the Cullens. But I think they do that to establish him and create tension. I also thought the newborns seemed like zombies at times but it worked for the most part. The action stuff was really cool. I think there needs to be more editing at times because I can see the newborns flying away from the wolves before they even touch them! They need to touch up things like that but it was still really cool. The way they rip up the vampires is also really cool. I really dislike Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria...she's BAD! Like super horrible acting! The faces she makes is amusing and not scary at all! I can't stand her at all so I was glad she wasn't in the movie that much. There was a kissing scene between her and Riley that made me want to puke. I guess it had to be there to show her fake/planned relationship with him.
So that may seem like a lot of negative stuff but really the Edward and Bella scenes are so good but just too short as usual. The scene when Edward reads Jacob's mind and learns he tried to kiss Bella and she punches him...it is so so so schmexy!!!!! I have always loved angry Edward! No nose pinching but good car screeching and anger! I cried two times at sweet at just how sweet Edward is to Bella. I just love that stuff and that's why I love the books! So all in all I think when this movie is completed it will be the best one so far. When it's completed and the music is added it will even be better. I'm so glad I saw it!" So after hearing her account I feel a lot better about some things and still worried about others. I will reserve my final opinion once I see the movie. Thought I would share her story with all of you and I hope you enjoyed it!
Quelle:Imdb via RPLife
Wenn mir das noch eine Übersetzen könnte, wäre ich glücklich.
AntwortenLöschenMein Englisch ist leider sehr schlecht. :(
ich habs mir schon fast gedacht, dass die das mit bella nicht so gescheit hinbekommen und sie als "verzogenes gör" darstellen, wie es in dem bericht erzählt wird =/ *aufreg mecker motz*
AntwortenLöschendas wäre ja das erste mal, dass ein film genau wie das buch ist^^
Noch nicht verzweifeln, Laura! Erst wenn Du den Film selber gesehen hast, kannst Du Dich ärgern oder jubeln! Bis jetzt lässt sich doch alles echt gut an, was man so zu sehen bekommt! Und da Buch 3 mein Lieblingsbuch ist und ich es ziemlich oft gelesen habe, kann alles eh nicht ganz so werden, wie ich es so vor mir sehe. Aber der Film soll ja auch gut in die Reihe passen! Also, ich bin echt zuversichtlich!
AntwortenLöschenFreudige Grüße von Ela
Glaube ich nicht ... ich glaube einfach nicht was dort drinne steht. Vielleicht stimmt ein bisschen was. Aber Licht & Kamerafehler werden nicht so offensichtlich sein, dass man sie beim ersten anschauen erkennt.
AntwortenLöschenWer beweist uns das das Mädchen überhaupt den Film gesehen hat?
Wir sollten uns selbst ein Urteil machen und nicht die Vorurteile eines anderen übernehmen!
Danke, Lukas, stimme dir komplett zu! Ich habe den "Bericht" vorsorglich auch nur angelesen! Interessiert mich auch nicht wirklich! Will den Film sehen - und zwar mehrfach - und DANN denke ich mir meinen Teil (sobald ich aus dem Koma erwacht bin...).
AntwortenLöschenLG von Ela
Stimmt...jede Meinung ist anders, und andre sehen diese Stellen, die sie hasst, wahrscheinlich wieder gannzzz anders.
AntwortenLöschenAufjedenfall hab ich mir fast scho gedacht, dass es eher ein Jacob-Film wird. Schon allein, weil man damals immer hörte, dass die Produzenten nicht zufrieden waren, weil David "Edward" wohl ein bisschen vernachlässigt hat, und er "MORE EDWARD" einfügen musste.
Aufjedenfall wenn das WIRKLICH stimmt, mit der szene da, wo Bella Jacob küsst und ihre Handlung DANACH...das wär wirklich ein GROBER FEHLER!!!! Wir wissen ja, wie fertig sie eigentlich im Buch war, und dass sie deswegen sterben wollte (sehr dramatisch xD) & wenn sie jetzt im Film keine Träne verdrückt und so guckt, als ob sie wirklich sagen will "Tzjaa, ich hab ihn geküsst Edward. Pech gehabt, was willst du schon machen?", dann wär das schon irgendwie schlimm...ich meine, das wäre ja genau das Gegenteil, wie wir es vom Buch her kennen o.O
ABER sie meinte ja, dass es für sie trotzdem der beste film der Reihe sei...also...irgendwie mag ich nicht, was sie da schreibt xDD!!!
Lass es bloß nicht alles wahr sein - ein kleiner Teil kann ja wahr sein, ABER NICHT ALLES!!!! =D
hab den artikel erst jetzt gelesen und ich hab natürlich den film im kino schon gesehen aber ich muss auch sagen , dass manche szenen(......)schon ein bisschen länger und ausfürlicher hätten sein können!!aber der film sollte ja für unter 16 - jährige auch zu sehen sein ..also musste der produzent das wahrscheindlich so machen!!
AntwortenLöschenaber wir können uns ja noch sooooo oft die bücher durchlesen ,dass uns das gar nicht mehr stören wird