MTV hat mal nen, ich kann es nicht anders sagen FETTEN Artikel mit allem was ihr zum Inhalt von Eclipse ( aus der Rohfassung) wissen müsst, erstellt, mithilfe von zusammengetragenen Infos von Fans die den Film gesehen haben! Heißt Spoiler, Spoiler, Spoiler! Ich habs natürlich gelesen und es war sooo GUT!
Also Leute, weg hier, aber plötzlich!!!!
Überlegs dir lieber nochmal
Nah... es ist noch Zeit zu verschwinden!
Na komm schon, du kannst es schaffen, mach dich nicht unglücklich!
Ich denke das waren genug Warnhinweise, der Rest kommt jetzt zu mir auf die dunkle Seite, Muhahahahahahhaha!!!!
Es existiert in Eclipse natürlich eine Liebesgeschichte und zwar heiß und heftig! Wie schon erwähnt, die sogenannte 'Leg Hitch' , Zelt , Bella und Jacobs Kuss inklusive Schlag ins Gesicht Szenen waren alle zu sehen! Aber auch die Action kommt nicht zu kurz und Alice und Jasper sind im Film viel und oft zu sehen, nicht nur was die Action Szenen betrifft! Begeistert waren viele auch von Jaspers und Rosalies Flashback Szenen.Und was ich besonders erfreulich finde, die Szene zwischen Bella und Rosalie, in der Bella alles über Rosalies Leben als Mensch erfährt soll ganze 5 Minuten lang sein! Das ist großartig, diese Zeit finde ich braucht die Szene auch, denn Leute die die Bücher nicht gelesen haben, sollten die Möglichkeit bekommen Rosalies handeln zu verstehen! Der Rückblick selbst mit Szenen aus Rosalies Vergangenheit dauert 2 Minuten an!
There had been some concern after the final "Eclipse" trailer premiered that this third installment in the "Twilight Saga" would sacrifice the love story for the action (apparently everyone forgot the first trailer, which showed us otherwise). The unanimous response was that the love story is definitely still there, and it is very hot and heavy. This means, yes, the leg hitch, the tent scene and Bella and Jacob's kiss all make the final cut, and, as one Twitter user claimed, were enough to "get her turned on." And yes, the scene where Bella punches Jacob is also included, though we never doubted that it wouldn't be in the film.
But that doesn't mean that the action wasn't great either. This was an early cut of the film so some of the animation was still a bit off, but everyone seemed to think that it was the best action of the series. The fact Jasper was featured quickly but clearly in the second trailer's fight scene tipped us off to the fact that he and Alice were going to be pretty prominent in the action sequences, but apparently they get a lot more face time throughout the entire film, and actually get a chance to really interact with each other. Unfortunately, Jackson Rathbone's wig is supposed to be pretty bad, but Kristen's is better since the first trailer.
Which brings us to some other exciting news: everyone loved Jasper and Rosalie's flashbacks. We already knew that Jasper would be seen horse back in Civil War regalia, but apparently this was news to other people. As far as Rosalie's flashback goes, we read that her entire conversation with Bella lasts about five minutes, but the actual flashback is only about two minutes. This is kind of a let-down, but if a picture is worth a thousand words we're guessing David Slade was able to do a lot with those two minutes.
It's been a bit of a trend that fans keep labeling the newest director in each "Twilight" film as being better than all the previous ones (sorry, Catherine Hardwicke). Unsurprisingly, there were many claims that David Slade did a great job with "Eclipse" and that he's the best director yet, which is exactly what Chris Weitz predicted back when everyone was rallying around him after "New Moon." This also is allegedly the funniest of all the "Twilight" films so far, so if David can top "Face Punch," we're going to be really impressed.
AntwortenLöschenMein Herz gibt gleich auf...heute kommen verdammt geile News (sonst auch, aber heute besonders). :D
was ist eigentlich mit der "Leg Hitch"-Szene gemeint??
AntwortenLöschensry, kommt einfach nit drauf:D