Samstag, 21. November 2009

Wer hätte das gedacht ;O



Surprise! Surprise! The Pope Is Not A Twi-Hard!

We don't think anyone involved with the Twilight franchise is going to lose much sleep over this!

The Vatican is hating on the Twilight series, including New Moon, which opens TODAY, calling it a "moral vacuum with a deviant message". Those close to holiness are concerned with the message the movie is sending out to people, especially their target audience - teenagers.

Monsignor Franco Perazzolo, of the Pontifical Council of Culture, says:

"The theme of vampires in Twilight combines a mixture of excesses that as ever is aimed at young people and gives a heavy ­esoteric element. It is once again that age-old trick or ideal formula of using extremes to make an impact at the box office. This film is nothing more than a moral vacuum with a deviant message and as such should be of concern."

We think you have finally made it, Twilight. You're not really a franchise worth having if the Vatican doesn't think you'll destroy the Roman Catholic Church and corrupt moviegoers across the world.

Welcome to the Big Leagues! We're so proud!



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