You’re currently on a break. What do you usually love to do on your downtime?I love to read. I have a Kindle, and it’s nice to be able to download books that people refer. Rob[ert Pattinson] reads all of the time and he refers so many great books, Jackson [Rathbone], as well, and Kristen [Stewart]. It’s nice to just download books because we have so much downtime. I have close to eight hours a day to read. I finish so many books it’s amazing. I’m also doing Rosetta Stone, learning some French.
How do the Cullens rev each other up before shooting a scene?We really have everything down. We dissect it through rehearsals before we go about it. When we’re on set, we kind of joke around, and when we’re rehearsing, we change up the scenes and make each other laugh. We lighten up the mood. The blooper reel is going to be amazing on New Moon.
Is there going to be a blooper reel?Hopefully. They probably have more material for the blooper reel than they have movie material. (Laughs) - Oh man darauf freue ich mich jetzt schon!!!
What scenes have been the most fun to shoot?Well, the scenes that the Cullens are in are very crucial and epic. The scenes in New Moon are very close to the book. What we Cullens deal with—like the birthday scene—are very crucial for the audience; they’re going to be there with us. They’re all my favorites, but particularly Jackson, when he turns bloodthirsty in the birthday scene.
Have you seen New Moon yet?Yeah, I love it. Chris Weitz did an amazing job, and I love the werewolves. There’s so much action, and I’m an action junkie, so the wolves really do a great job. Taylor [Lautner] is amazing. He’s a movie star. Fans are going to see this over and over again because of what he brings to the movie.
Are your mom and sister big fans of the saga?Very much. My sister is one of the most popular girls in school now because she has a brother in Twilight (laughs), and she’s sharing stories about me, which are kind of funny. It’s really an actor’s dream to be a part of this. It’s opened up a lot of doors.
So, before you go, let’s do some wordplay. I’m going to give you the name of one of your fellow actors, and I need you to give me one word to describe them, starting with Jackson Rathbone [“Jasper Hale”].- Ah, mysterious.
...Elizabeth Reaser [“Esme Cullen”].- Beautiful.
...Ok, Ashley Greene [“Alice Cullen”].- Best friend.
Kristen Stewart [“Bella Swan”].-Adventurous.
Taylor Lautner [“Jacob Black”]. - Brother-like.
Rob Pattinson [“Edward Cullen”].- Immensely blessed and talented. If you can just hyphen those into one word.
Komplettes Interview auf VanityFair.com!
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