Dienstag, 9. November 2010

Bill Condon Pressekonferenz in Brasilien

Breaking Dawn Regisseur Bill Condon gab am letzten Wochenende eine Pressekonferenz in Brasilien, während seine Hauptdarsteller schon fleißig für die baldigen Aufnahmen probten...Er bedankte sich für die warme Art, mit der er, Rob, Kristen und die gesamte Crew in Brasilien von den Fans aufgenommen worden sind :) Und dass sie die wahre Kultur Brasiliens im Film einfangen wollten. Na das haben sie geschafft *Daumen hoch*

"Both me and they're enjoying the affection of fans. Incidentally, I want to say it to them. We are enjoying the warmth of the crowd and the city."

The director said the choice of the city as a location was stimulated by the Rio Film, co-producer of Sunrise, who decided to include the state capital in the script of the story.

"Rio is a very vibrant place, so we decided that the city would come in the film. We wanted this vibration was evident in Sunrise. We did a scene in Lapa Edward [Pattinson] and Bella [Kristen] to show the real side of carioca culture."

Condon also said that the aim of production was less stereotyped find places on the screens. Therefore, there was the option for the island and Lapa bag Mamanguá in Paraty, on the southern coast of Rio, where the team should follow today.

via TwiCrackAddict

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