,,It’s been almost a month…do you feel more comfortable going into the role or are you still adjusting to its attached intensity?''
Jodelle:''I’ve gotten used to the idea. At first I was completely shocked and I couldn’t believe it. But when you think about it, it really is just like any other set. It’s just that it happens to be a very, very famous movie. But it’s not really any different than anything else.''
,,So you’re approaching it the way you would any other role?''
,,Are you making any physical changes for your role in Eclipse?''
Jodelle:''Well, I was hoping that they were going to cut my hair, actually. *laughs* My hair is so long, and it’s nice. But it’s too long, and it drives me crazy all the time. I don’t think they are going to cut my hair, but oh well. I already do gymnastics class. I don’t have to do it for the movie, but I’m just doing it anyway.''
Das komplette Interview auf Examiner.com!
Und HitFix führte ein Interview mit Anna Kendrick...
Q: Have you finished shooting 'Eclipse'?
I filmed a majority of what I do and I have like two more days left. My parts, the human characters get shrunk down [in "Eclipse"].
Q: Do you know if you'll be back for 'Breaking Dawn' if and when those movies happen?
It does feel like to us -- when I say 'us' I assume people know I'm referring to the human characters -- it feels like it's probably coming to a close. We appear in a dream sequence or one sequence in the book of of 'Breaking Dawn' so I don't know if we'll be back for it and we're only signed up for three, because the three books were only out when we made the first film. So, I don't know that we will be involved in 'Breaking Dawn,' but it's a really fun thing to go back to. Particularly when I go back for this short period of time it feels like I'm going back to summer camp and I'm seeing my friends from summer camp.
Q: You've dealt with three different directors this year. Has that been refreshing? Have you enjoyed it?
I am trying to pit them all against each other. I'm trying to get Jason and Chris Weitz in a fight, (Laughs.) No, it's so fun it's so interesting. I'm probably the luckiest girl on earth, let's be honest. It is really fun to work with everybody.
Komplettes Interview!
Und zuletzt noch ein Interview mit 'Huston wir haben ein Problem' Jack aka 'Royce'^^

There’s a chance we may never have met Royce and the small but meaty part may not have even existed were it not for David Slade taking a meeting with Huston.
“I went in to the director and he very sweetly wrote this part up for me,” the actor admits. “It was kind of a nice compliment from him.”
Das komplette Interview auf E!Online!thx newmoonmovie.org
Wär ja iregendwie doof, wenn die Anna und die anderen "Menschen" nicht in BD dabei wären. Sie müssen doch bei der Hochzeit dabei sein. Immerhin sind sie eingeladen. Ich glaube mal, dass sie auch in BD alle dabei sind, wäre ja doof, wenn der Regisseur (wer immer es auch sein wird) sie einfach auslässt!
AntwortenLöschendas denke ich auch! anna hat wahrscheinlich nur noch nicht offiziell bescheid bekommen weil einfach noch kein regisseur feststeht! aber die 'humans' müssen auf jeden fall wieder mit dabei sein, es sei denn wer auch immer den filmm dann macht hätte vor die hochzeit wegzulasen und dann gibts kriesch das sag ich euch :O
AntwortenLöschen@Sina: Jawohl, dann gibts rischtisch Kriesch!^^
AntwortenLöschenThis goes out to the future Regisseur: Dear Mr. Future Regisseur! Don´t make us angry! We are everywhere! This is fact!
Thank U!^^
Wenn sie keinen vernünftigen Regisseur finden, soll Summit sich bitte wieder an den Herrn Witz wenden! Denn das, was wir schon gesehen haben, war super (Find ich zumindest) ;)