Und diese findet natürlich in den USA statt, in L.A um genau zu sein! Ich hab mir dann mal auf der Seite die Special Guests List angesehen und folgendes...

Ja, da waren schon ein paar Gesichter darunter die mir bekamnnt vorkamen!
This is a first, the trio at a convention that is a true Twilight only fan convention. See this specific Creation Entertainment link for details. We’re going to be there. Will you? <--- Moment, lass mich mal kurz überlegen...hmm, also...NEIN! Nein, Ich werde definitv nicht dort sein :(
This is "the one", the weekend that will make fan history as we proudly present the incredible cast of the most eagerly awaited film of the year, The Twilight Saga: ECLIPSE, coming to theaters June 30, 2010.
You are invited to attend a most delightful weekend with fellow Twilight Saga fans from around the globe on June 11-13, 2010 at the gorgeous Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel, conveniently located near Los Angeles' most popular attractions. Every ticketed attendee is guaranteed a seat in our main theatre where the stars appear and you'll see it all, including celebrity panels, exclusive footage, contests, auctions, presentations from the major Twilight fan sites, and some super-surprises we can't reveal at this time! Our vendors area, open to all attendees, will feature the world's widest array of Twilight collectibles, including items produced solely for this incredible weekend!
Make your plans now to be with us, it just isn't the same without YOU!Weitere Infos findet ihr HIER
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