Wir hatten ja HIER schon darüber spekuliert und nun scheint es so! Kennengelernt haben sollen sich die beiden am Set zu Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes!
A source said: ‘We are all absolutely shocked and surprised and can’t believe that Jamie has asked Bonnie to marry him.’
Bonnie, whose character is the sister of Ron Weasley in the Potter films, is Harry’s love interest on the screen – but she has been swept off her feet by Jamie in real life
The source added: ‘They met on the set of the movie and Jamie fell for Bonnie really badly.
'He says they are completely in love. It all seems very whirlwind, but they both say it’s the real deal.’
Jamie is understood to have proposed to Bonnie last month.
The source said: ‘All he has told us is that he asked her to marry him and Bonnie said yes.
'He is chuffed to bits and neither of them seem to have any doubts that they are rushing in too soon. We have asked them if it is for real and they have said yes.
‘They are both very professional, so when they are filming, there is no smooching or playing around.
'Also they are not really in the same scenes. Jamie is often on the set just to watch
Bonnie and spend time with her between takes.’
Und um es abschließend mit Perez Hiltons Worten zu sagen: ''A union that would bring the Twi-Hards and the Potterheads into one family?'' Jippie^^
Danke an alle die uns Mails dazu geschrieben haben :)
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Ja sie sind abselut und volkommen verlobt!
AntwortenLöschenSie haben bestätigt, dass sie sich zwar erst 6 Monate kennen, aber trotzdem über alles lieben.