Ne im Ernst sonst hab ich auch nicht so ein Interesse daran was der Justin so zu erzählen hat aber in diesem Interview erfahren wir einige interessante Details zu Eclipse und Rob's damaliger Wohnsituation während der Dreharbeiten...
Twilight star Justin Chon tells me that director David Slade's Eclipse isn't exactly taking his lead from Catherine Hardwick or Chris Weitz.
"He's done pretty dark films so that's where I see [Eclipse] really gravitating towards—more of a dark kind of moody film," Chon said yesterday at BAFTA's pre-Emmy tea party. "Just shooting the scenes that I'm in, the mood is definitely different."
How so? Read on for more…
"David is very set on how he wants this movie to be portrayed," Chon said. "It's a lot more refined and maybe not as loose as the last two—at least for us humans. I can only imagine what he's doing with everyone else."
Chon also confirmed reports that Robert Pattinson has been living in a house rather than the usual hotel during filming in Vancouver, Canada.
"Security has been increased a lot," Chon said. "They're a lot more protective…If Rob was to go out in public without anybody, I think it could be pretty dangerous."
Even so, Pattz is dealing with the attention well. "It takes him a lot more time to get in and out of places," Chon said. "But he doesn't get angry. He's handling things great."
''...more of a dark kind of moody film...'' - Äh ja das kan man schon jetzt bestätigen denke ich, wenn ich nur an die aus dem Wasser steigenden Vampire denke!
Naja aber wirklich interessant, Rob hat während der Dreharbeiten in Vancouver in einem Haus und nicht etwa im Hotel gewohnt! In welchem wohl? Oh ich weiß!!
Das wär's doch oder? Ihn dort unter zu bringen wo man es am wenigsten erwarten würde, weil es zu offensichtlch wäre^^
via twicrackaddict
Das scheint ja echt ein ziemlich "dunkler" Film zu werden.^^ Vielleicht setzt er ja auch so einen "Tint" drauf. Ich meine Twilight hatte ´nen blauen und New Moon ´nen goldenen Filter. Ich würd Slade zutrauen, dass er da auch einen hat.