Howard: I love these books, and "Eclipse" for me is [the best one]; I'm partial to "Eclipse." And that was true even before "Twilight" came out.
MTV: Tell us about your take on Victoria, as opposed to Rachelle's. What will be different? What will stay the same?
Howard: Victoria is a wonderful character. ... It's awfully juicy to play a villain. To play someone that's just evil; Victoria is evil. And I think with "Eclipse," it ends with quite a huge battle, a big spectacle, and it's very scary. It's a very, very scary book and very terrifying set of circumstances, and I think the Cullens are in jeopardy in a way that they never really have been before. It was a really, really exciting world to be a part of, because it was so scary and the stakes were so high.
MTV: Would you say you studied Rachelle's performance, to factor it into your own?
Howard: Well, I have seen "Twilight" innumerable times, innumerable. And yes, of course, I saw "New Moon" before doing "Eclipse," because the continuity of the character is critical, and Rachelle had done a really exquisite job creating Victoria. It was really important to base all of my work on that. She set a very high bar, and I wanted to reach for that.
MTV: In your mind, what were the critical elements of Victoria that needed to be maintained from the book to the script to Rachelle to yourself?
Howard: Well, the visual continuity of the character Victoria is really important, because such a distinctive character had been created, one that the fans and audience really connected to. She's described perfectly in the book. And that's really important to everybody, that there's an authenticity to bringing these characters to life that's not really an interpretation, just a true representation of what's been written on the page.
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ich will nich sagen das ich sie hasse... also drück ich es so aus: ich mag sie nicht.Rachelle war so eine tolle Victoria, niemand kann sie ersetzen! :'(Ich kann es immer noch nicht verstehen das Summit sie rausgeschmissen hat :(aber zum glück stirbt vic ja im 3. teil, also müssen wir bryce nicht lange ertragen... na ja nur einen ganzen tollen film lang...sie mag eine gute schauspielerin sein, aber nicht für die rolle der victoria!
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ich will nich sagen das ich sie hasse... also drück ich es so aus: ich mag sie nicht.
AntwortenLöschenRachelle war so eine tolle Victoria, niemand kann sie ersetzen! :'(
Ich kann es immer noch nicht verstehen das Summit sie rausgeschmissen hat :(
aber zum glück stirbt vic ja im 3. teil, also müssen wir bryce nicht lange ertragen... na ja nur einen ganzen tollen film lang...
sie mag eine gute schauspielerin sein, aber nicht für die rolle der victoria!