Er spricht u.a über seinen Charakter 'Caius' - ,,He's a pretty cool dude.'' :O - die Volturi und darüber das er anfangs ein bisschen Panik davor hatte Rob zu treffen, weil er offensichtlich sehr berühmt ist: ,,Du kommst da rein als neuer Darstelller in der Serie und hast irgendwie das Gefühl das du dich beweisen musst(...)der erste Tag am Set war sehr beängstigend, da war ich(...)Michael Sheen,Dakota Fanning, Ashley Greene, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart...ich dachte mir so wow(...)das ist irgendwie beängstigend...''
Ähhh hallo, ist das nicht der Herr, der schon vor New Moon an der Seite von Johnny Depp und Alan Rickman vor der Kamera stand? Gut möglich also das einige der genannten Personen dasselbe von IHM gedacht haben als er am Set auftauchte ;)
Sou führte außerdem ein Interview mit Michael Sheen, hier ein Auszug...

Speaking of blood, taking on Aro in New Moon.
"There's so much expectation about the sequel. People who are hooked on the stories have very definite ideas about the character from the second book. So it's a dilemma. You want to give them what they expect, what they want to see, but you also want to surprise them. My biggest concern has been that everyone would remember that I played a werewolf in Underworld. So it would be a stretch for me to become a vampire. But I just love Aro. I think he has a gentle side even though he's pretty scary. And I'm just very pleased to have a whole new generation of people I can scare."
His daughter got a literal kick out of the news.
"I was excited about being in New Moon mainly because I thought it would make my daughter Lily very happy since she loved the books and the first movie. But, she was a bit overwhelmed. It was like when I was kid--if there was something I was really into, the last thing I wanted was my mom and dad to be into it as well. So, at first, Lily got upset and sort of cried when I told her. I think it was just like her fantasy imaginative world suddenly colliding with reality. She did punish me a bit. When she kicked me, I think that was sort of acting out her frustration."
Witzig die Story über seine Tochter, als sie erfuhr das er in New Moon mitspielen wird^^
Komplettes Interview!
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