
Weitere Bilder auf SplashnewsOnline!
Hier Bilder von Xavier Samuel, Mittwoch am Filmset von Eclipse...
Bei der auf den Bildern dargestellten Szene, soll es sich angeblich um die Opening Scene, sprich die Eröffnungsszene aus Eclipse handeln...

So Leudde jetzt kommt ein dicker fetter *Spoiler* in Form einer Videoaufnahme besagter Szene!
Na das ist doch wunderbar! Ganz klasse, da hat man noch nicht einmal New Moon gesehen und bekommt hier schon die Eröffnungsszene aus Eclipse präsentiert! Wer soll denn da noch durchblicken!Und da ich nunmal bin wie ich bin werd ich mir das Viedeo auch reinziehen :O
Mein lieber Herr Slade das ist echt ganz schön gruselig!
Na jedenfalls LaineyGossip hat auch noch folgendes zu berichten...
With the premiere of New Moon just a month away, the kids are gearing up for what’s expected to be a massive publicity campaign that will launch into overdrive as soon as Eclipse wraps at the end of October. Enjoy it while it lasts Vancouver. Because if things continue to roll the way they’ve been rolling, Twilight might not be coming back here.
The first movie was shot in Oregon. Oregon desperately wants Twilight to return for the 4th film and they’ve introduced major tax incentives etc to lure the production back. British Columbia on the other hand is getting pounded by Ontario and Quebec (other Canadian provinces with historically active film industries) as both have also pushed tax incentives forward in a bid to take back British Columbia’s business.
British Columbia however has not answered, has not presented incentives of its own to match the competition. As such, British Columbia has already lost out on several productions and now faces the probability of losing Twilight’s final installment.
The crews that are working on Eclipse also worked on New Moon. They were booked back to back well in advance, schedules held for both films. My sources tell me exclusively that the crew was informed weeks ago that they had the all clear to book new jobs when Eclipse wraps. The studio will NOT hold them for Breaking Dawn. I’m told that as of press time the intention is to begin production on the fourth and final in September. In Portland.
Things are fluid, of course. And it could change. But unless British Columbia changes its film tax structure, it’s more financially feasible for Summit to shoot elsewhere. Say goodbye Vancouver.
Weitere Bilder + Artikel auf LaineyGossip!+ RadarOnline!
Source of Video: PUNKD Images via LaineyGossip!
Source of Pictures:RadarOnline!
Holla die Waldfee!!! Krasse Idee für die Erffnungsszene. Find ich gut...
AntwortenLöschenHab ich das jetzt richtig verstanden, dass Breaking Dawn dann nächstes Jahr im September verfilmt wird?
"I’m told that as of press time the intention is to begin production on the fourth and final in SEPTEMBER. In Portland."
Anscheinend ja schon...