Und dank Twitter bekommen auch wir was davon mit :)
alchemission: Heading with @sonofbrown to http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cnn.heroes/index.html Cheers for the invite Bronson. You loose unit.
sonofbrown:Well every body I'm off to charley bewleys party
sonofbrown: Had an amazing time last night. Charley bewley knows how to through a party
Ein paar Tweets später...
sonofbrown:Charleys party so much fun http://twitpic.com/3bovlf

Was sonst noch so auf Twitter läuft erfahrt ihr, wenn ihr uns 'Followt' Na gut, ihr erfahrt es auch, wenn ihr auf Twitter geht ohne uns zu followen, aber wenn ihr schonmal da seid ---> g_twilighters
Weiter im Text! Interessante Gespräche zwischen Charlie und Jamie ;O
Jamiebower: Hadn't dawned on me that i wont be seeing my boys (knights) for at least 3 months. I now cry in Dublin airport. Never said i was cool. x
alchemission@Jamiebower It's ok JCB... I'll bring a guitar to keep us all entertained!! ppff
Jamiebower @alchemission it will be so lovely to play with your balls again broseph goebbels. x
alchemission@Jamiebower I will make sure I bring them. One is a slightly different shape to the other. Problem?
Der Cast bereitet sich auf den BD Dreh vor...
cameronbright: 3 days til Cameron heads off to start filming Breaking Dawn. How many of you are excited for that movie???
Jamiebower: Packing up dublin house. Bad times. Camelot finished for me! Breaking dawn begins soon for me. X
peterfacinelli: In NYC. It's cloudy and rainy. Must be preparing me for Breaking Dawn.
Weitere Tweets...
jodellemicah: Was thinkin bout eclipse dvd & Rob & Kristen's commentary..and I just thought, I'm really curious to c wat they say during my scenes! haha
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