Did you use to travel a lot before having to travel for purely promotional reasons?
I loved traveling, and that’s what I miss most about my life before Twilight. Now I like to go on promotional visits to places like Tokyo, where I can walk around more peacefully and lead a pseudo-normal life. When I was younger, I took a long trip to Berlin. I always liked exploring cities, going to their clubs. I’m a musician; I had a band and like that atmosphere. Now I make up for it by composing when I’m at the hotels, during filming. I want to produce a record but when all of this passes, later on. People on the street call me Edward; if I launch an album, they’re going to buy it thinking that Edward is the one who’s singing. How strange!
In New Moon, you only appeared in one of Bella’s dreams. What will Eclipse be like?
I can’t say much in advance, but only that it’s not as intimate as the other two, because many of the characters are at war. Taylor [Lautner] and I have many scenes in which we seem jealous of each other, and that was pretty easy because it’s incredible how much he transformed his body. It’s amazing. All of a sudden, Taylor turned into a Jacob that is the prototype of a teenager’s dream. All the same, our characters unite in the movie to save Bella.
Are you somehow similar to your vampire, Edward Cullen? Can you understand the passionate love he feels?
It’s very hard to compare yourself with a vampire. What I like most about him is that he’s very operatic, very white or black, always going to extremes. He loves but can’t enjoy it because he’s afraid of his love killing her. I think the movie is a perfect metaphor of sexual abstinence (laughs). Edward is conflictive, and I also am. He’s a bit dark, and I have my depressive moments. And as far as his approach to love, I think we’re alike. I like lasting emotions; I want to be with someone for 10 years and not just for 10 minutes. Like Edward, I’m very intense.
Komplettes Interview + Scans:ThinkingofRob
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