Ok, was soll man dazu sagen???!!! Alex....bist du besoffen gewesen??? Hast du auf einmal Hassatacken bekommen! Du Nuss, du!!!! Sina hat schon gedacht, ob sein Twitteraccount ein "FAKE" ist! Aber fangen wir von vorne an: Es war einmal ein heißer Typ namens Alex, der twitterte über seinen Job....

.... und es schien alles normal.....

Aber natürlich hat er auch eine Erklärung gehabt:

Und die Moral von der Geschicht, was du solltest twittern nicht:

Dann noch Ablenkung schieben: o_O

Und jetzt kommts......

Ok, Alex, das ist nicht witzig. Hast du noch alle Tassen im Schrank....oh nein ich weiß warum er so drauf ist: Er hat beim Fight-Training bestimmt einen gegen den Schädel bekommen!!! ;)
Perez Hilton konnte es auch nicht lassen, seinen Senf dazu zugeben. Er schrieb:
"Unless you are a squealing tween Twilight fan, you probably have no idea who Alex Merazis. Just to keep you up to speed, he is one of the wolf pack members from New Moon. If you saw the movie, you probably know his abs better than you know his face.
Anyway, it seems Alex was never told as a child not to bite the hand that feeds you because he is starting some major beef with costar Taylor Lautner by hating on his new movie via his Twitter.
Apparently, Alex is not a big fan of Valentine's Day and had no problem sharing his sour grapes about it. He wrote:
"Sorry Taylor but the movie Valentine's Day looks lame and desperate. It cries out, 'look we have all the biggest starz in 1 movie pleez watch!
P.S. it has nothing to do with the talented actors in the movie. I just don't like the producer & Directors' 'get rich quick skeem' nuff said."
That's interesting coming from someone who had to film two movies of a franchise with only a month's break in between simply so the studio could bank on the craze and $$$ of vampire-addicted teenage girls.
Calm it down, wolf boy! Hollywood is all about making money and if you want to continue doing as such, you might want to think about kissing some ass rather than sucking on the foot in your mouth!"
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