Aber lest selbst was PerezHilton dazu schreibt...

Star Magazine is reporting there was a third person involved in the Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift break up and her name is Selena Gomez!
An insider blabbed to the mag that TayTay has rebounded and has run back to his pre-T Swizzle lover to rekindle their relationship.
And apparently it's worked because the sparks have been flying!
So we're guessing that means intense hand holding and cuddling of some sort.
The insider also says the Taylor squared relationship ended because "apart from their name, they don't have much in common." <---- :O
Ich hab da ehrlich gesagt nie durchgeblickt was diese ganze Beziehungssoße da angeht! Taylor Selena, Selena und Taylor sie befreundet oder wie? Taylor und Selena, lief da was, lief da nix?Wenn ja wie lange? Wann kam Taylor sie ins Spiel, Taylor sie und Taylor er und und ahhh!!
Meine Meinung, ich fand Taylor und Selena immer richtig süß zusammen :)
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