Kristen, GQ Outtakes...

Aus verschiedenen Photosoots von Kristen, Nikki und Ashley...

Zu Ashleys Photoshoot gibt's noch ein Interview, hier ein Auszug... What’s your favorite book in the series?AG: I’m between New Moon and Eclipse. But I love them all. Are you Team Edward or team Jacob?AG: Ughhhh… harsh. I really really adore Rob and Edward’s awesome, but I’m Team Jacob. Is just… You gotta love Taylor, he plays an amazing Jacob, so… my heart belongs to him. Hahaha!
... Are there any traits or similarities between yourself and Alice?AG: We’re both tiny. Hahaha! Well, Alice’s one happy kid, and I’m a happy person too. I’m like smiling all the time and I really don’t like to see people sad so, I make them laugh and everything. I’m really into fashion, but Alice kick my butt x10 times. She’s a fashionista and I love it. I love her fashion sense and, I want her closet! Do you think you can relate to Alice? What do you admire most about Alice? Where are you most different?AG: We really look alike. She’s a loyal girl and she loves her family and friends and I’m like that. I would do everything for them. Now… different… hmmm. She has a boyfriend, I don’t. Hahahaha!
... What’s been your favorite scene to film so far?AG: High school graduation. I loved it. It made me remember my graduation.
... What do you enjoy doing in your spare time (if you have any!)?AG: Hahahaha! We’re always going to Starbucks with Jackson or going shopping with the girls. And we’re going to have dinner with the cast on weekends, or go to concerts. We always find something fun to do together.
... Do you ever visit fan sites to read about yourself or Twilight?AG: Sometimes. I don’t have plenty of time to check out every page, but sometimes I read some cute notes and everything. All the pages are really respectful and I’m really thankful of that.
... Have you heard any rumors about when/if production for Breaking Dawn will happen?AG: I can’t say a word about Breaking Dawn. Sorry!
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