,,The real reason Pattinson is so calm is simple: "I'm not the lead in the second film. Taylor [Lautner] is." He grins idiotically. "I appear in Bella's dreams. So I'm in it but the focus is not on me. I just have significant moments at the beginning ... and the end. So I'm more of a supporting role in this one, which is why I felt so free. I didn't have to deal with any of the bullshit of the first one. I don't have to hold the movie or worry about the fans. I think I did it better without all those pressures."
,,Pattinson has a lovely voice and performed two songs in Twilight – something he now regrets. "When the first film came out I felt like a complete tosser," he says. "It looked like I was trying to be cool or something, like Eminem. You know, be in a movie and then do a song for the soundtrack. But I didn't look cool, I just looked ridiculous."
,,Pattinson's lack of self-confidence is staggering yet endearing. Compliment his singing and he'll change the subject. Compliment his performance and he'll tell you you're bonkers. But he'll stick to acting for now only because he'd "starve to death" as a musician.''
,,Pattinson's next film is Unbound Captives. He met Jackman in Japan recently for a little bonding ahead of the film. "We went karaoke singing," he laughs. "We were singing Abba songs, it was pretty funny. It was sort of an Abba song sing-off, you know, last man standing."
,,Who won? "I think he did, only because he can drink more than me and still sing in tune. He's a cool guy and I'm really looking forward to that film."
Komplettes Interview!
Taking the Backseat in New Moon
"It's just so nice being in a supporting role. There was so much pressure on Taylor for this one, and it's like, he didn't have a single bad day the entire shoot. I just stroll onto set, I'm like, 'Oh, I've got one line!'"
Tabloid Marriage & The Kristen Pregnancy Rumors
"Literally, that would be terrifying if I suddenly — well, actually, it wouldn't be terrifying, it would be quite satisfying, actually, to be able to get someone pregnant from across the country. With a text message!"
Why He's Disgusted with Himself
"Because sometimes I look at myself in the mirror [Laughs] — I think anyone would be."
And the Signature Hair Secret Is...
"I just use water. No one ever believes me, but it's true."
Under the Microscope
"It's funny what you really see when you're the subject of the completely bizarre gossip magazine industry. It's just like, 'WHAT?!?' All this stuff with Emilie [de Ravin, his costar in Remember Me] as well. The tabloids say stuff like 'They went on a date to an Indian restaurant.' We were doing a scene! There's a film crew there!"
Doing Interviews
"I don't find myself that interesting as a human being, so I don't really think that much of what I say or do warrants being recorded."
Where He's Going Next…
"I might go to some tiny little town in Idaho with, like, three people living there."
If the Entire Cast Did Get in a Fight...
"I'd beat everyone, even Taylor, no doubt. If they all tried to jump me, they might have a chance. Rob can slap pretty hard though."
Team Edward or Team Jacob?
"Team Emmett! Bella and I goof around in the books so much [that] it's fate…fifth book coming up!"
First Impressions
"When I met Rob, he literally didn't make any impression on me. He's quiet, he's not very outgoing, he wasn't like, 'Hey! What's up? I'm Rob!' So with Catherine, she was basically like, 'So, that's Rob.' And I was like, 'Oh, cool.' And it's just so funny now looking at it, because every girl swoons over him."
YouTubing Between Takes
"Michael Sheen and I, for some reason, we bonded over this [funny] YouTube stuff, and so we would be cracking up, and then the scene would start and I was supposed to hate him, so it made it a little more difficult."
The Real Rosalie
"I think the voting scene was my favorite because it was very heartfelt and [director] Chris Weitz was very open with me playing with my dialogue, and I gave a really, I think, heartfelt speech at the end of that. It gave me the opportunity for the first time to show that Rosalie's not just a crazy nasty person, she's got a soul, and she genuinely cares about her brother and her family and the safety of everyone."
Die kompletten Interviews auf Seventeen.com!
Außerdem war Alex Meraz bei Fox10 zu Gast, ebenfalls ein echt tolles Interview und das sind keine Floskeln^^
Nikki: "I think the voting scene was my favorite because..." Juuhuu!! Ich hatte schon angst dass sie diese Szene auslassen würden :D