Während der Golden Globes wurde Rob u.a auf das neu veröffentlichte Breaking Dawn Still, welches Edward und Bella im Bett zeigt angesprochen :)
Um, welcome to the ginger club, Robert Pattinson?
R.Patz's hair looked a little more red than usual at tonight's Golden Globes.
Here's what he just told me about the color change...
"I had to keep switching it between two movies," he explained.
And then he added with a laugh, "I thought it was a nice change."
The two movies, obviously, are Breaking Dawn and Water for Elephants.
He laughed when I mentioned the recently released BD pic of him and Kristen, um, going at it. He was surprised Summit went with that one.
"It's crazy," he said. "They released a sex scene!"
Sie haben eine Sex Szene veröffentlicht! LOL
Kompletter Artikel: eonline via RobstenDreams
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hahaha ich hab das interview grad angeschaut. Sagt er am Schluss wirklich: Es ist wie Twister? xD hahaha ich habs so verstanden...?! :D