What’s the story behind the name 100 Monkeys?
Have you heard of the idea of the 100 monkeys affect before? The idea is basically that once a large enough group of people start doing something it spreads extremely fast to the rest of the people and becomes sort of common knowledge. That’s the way we sort of hope this takes off with people, where it inspires them to create their own artwork and do things like that. Once people get involved it’ll just spread like wildfire.
You have a man in a banana costume that travels on the road with you, what’s his deal?
The Bananagment. He does just about everything from driving, to setting up equipment with us, to getting us out of jail. ... That was an exaggeration. Hopefully, that won’t happen.
I have to ask the Twilight question: You guys were a band before the movies came out; have you noticed a big change in audience since?
There have been a lot of people who have come and seen our show because of that movie. It has been really fantastic. ... We met a family the other day that came out [because of] that kind of thing, and I thought it was cool that the kids — who I think were 9 and 12 — were listening to Grape, and they would read the liner notes and follow who’s playing the different instruments. They were identifying different bass lines and the different vocal parts and really digesting the music. ... Once people do start really appreciating it, that’s sort of the greatest honor you can get.
Last question: You named your album Grape - why not banana?
That’s why we named it Grape, so we could say, “Orange you glad we didn’t call it ‘Banana’?”
Yeahy, jetzte warte ich nur noch auf die Bestätigung der 2011-Europa-Tour. Dann ist mein Leben perfekt!!!!
AntwortenLöschenBananager!!!! *weglach*