Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009


Tolle Neuigkeit!! FOX Network plant eine neue Serie, mit dem Titel: 'Howl' zu produzieren!Heiß!

Kurz, es geht um eine Familie aus Alaska, bei der es sich außerdem um ein Rudel Werwölfe bzw. ein Wolfpack handelt :)

Ich bete das es die Serie dann auch hier zu sehen gibt!

It seems pop culture is trying to segway out of the coffins and into the woods.

Vampires are out and Werewolves are in!

With much thanks to the hunky Taylor Launter for bringing sexy back to the furry creatures, the Fox network is looking to bank on the trend just as HBO and The CW did with their vampy programming.

Fox has just signed a deal to put a new series in production called Howl.

The show, which comes to them from Dreamworks TV, centers around an Alaskan family that just happens to be a pack of werewolves. As we understand it, the writers of the series are looking to give a new twist to the mythology, much like Twilight did for vampires.

Let's just hope their fur doesn't sparkle!

Sounds like something tweeny Twi-hards would tune in for.

Would U watch this show?

Erstens JA und zweitens, mir ist schon klar das Taylor sicher KEINE Rolle in dieser Serie übernehmen wird, aber vielleicht...Chaske? Alex? Bitte?

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