Wie ihr ja wisst stand Tom Felton besser bekannt als Draco Malfoy, für ein paar Tage für den Film 'The Apparition' u.a an der Seite von Ashley, in Berlin vor der Kamera!MTV nutzte die Gelegenheit und führte ein Interview mit ihm, in dem er auch über Ashley spricht..
"The Apparition" is getting plenty of buzz because it will be a crossover of two of the biggest teen franchises around: "Harry Potter" and "The Twilight Saga." Add that to the fact Sebastian Stan is from cult teen TV series "Gossip Girl" and you've got what seems to be a perfect cocktail for the teen demographic's box office dollars, despite the fact "The Apparition" is described somewhere between a mystery and a thriller.
When Tom first got signed on to star as bad boy Draco Malfoy in "Harry Potter," he and his costars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint were all unknown child actors who were picked from casting calls at English grade schools. While they have all grown up to be big actors in their own right, this will be the first time Tom will be walking into a film with young actors who have already established themselves as talented professionals.
"It gives me great, great pleasure to not only be a part of a great project but also to be working with such exciting new talent," Tom told MTV News. "It's to be part of that, really, hopefully, to be featured among that young talent."
Tom was very impressed with how untarnished by fame Ashley Greene was.
"She seems like a very, really positive, very, very friendly young lady, in no way at all 'Hollywood'," Tom said. "You know, I didn't have any expectations. In no way is she a diva or anything like that. She's a lovely girl and clearly extremely talented, which excites me to be working with such great young talent."
Das komplette Interview findet ihr auf Hollywoodcrush!
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