So, die Tink ist wieder da....nach einigen Klausuren hat mich die Welt (insbesondere die Twi-Welt) wieder.... endlich!!!! Danke Sina, dass du mir "Urlaub" gegeben hast :D
Nun zum Thema:
AccessHollywood hat Kristen & Eddie Redmayne interviewt. Wenn ihr euch jetzt fragt: Wer ist denn das bitte? Den kannte ich vorher auch nicht! Das ist Kristens Filmpartner in "The Yellow Handkerchief"!
Und wer hätte das gedacht? Eddie ist ein Kumpel von Rob und Tom Sturridge! :D
Jaja, genau wie in meiner Soziologieklausur beschrieben... die Kausalität, alles hat einen Zusammenhang! :D
"“Randomly, at the end of this, you were about to do ‘Twilight,’” Eddie said, turning to his “Handkerchief” co-star Kristen during Access’ interview. “I had known Rob since I was [younger]. So I was like, ‘Yeah! You’re working with my mate Rob!’ You’re like, ‘Really? What’s he like?’ I was like, ‘He’s a good boy.’”
Kristen said although she first attempted to find out more about her “Twilight” co-star from his pal, she realized Eddie’s lips were fairly sealed.
“I sort of got from [Eddie] that they were friends for a long time and he wasn’t going to say anything bad about him. Even if there was something bad, it was just sort of like, ‘Yeah, it’ll be good,’” Kristen laughed.
Eddie confirmed he and his British boys club buddies stick together, a group that includes Eddie, R-Patz and “Vanity Fair” actor Tom Sturridge.
“They’re like, so almost incestuous,” Kristen said.
“It is incestuous,” Eddie laughed. “Rob and Tommy Sturridge and I – we’ve all been at it for a while now and it [is] so funny what happens when you start doing the jobs and you work with other people and you realize the whole industry is incredibly incestuous.”"
Lest mehr hier!
thx to eclipsemovie.org
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