Dienstag, 12. Januar 2010

Chris Weitz Interview!

Vielleicht erinnert ihr euch noch an den Twitter @Twilight Contest bei dem man einen Anruf von Regisseur Chris Weitz gewinnen konnte!Das Gespräch hat anscheinend, was ich nicht gedacht hätte, länger gedauert als 1 Minute, jedenfalls die glückliche Gewinnerin hat wie es scheint eine Art Telefoninterview mit Chris geführt...

2.) I know Edward’s car is now a dark silver, but was there any reason for the change?

A.) Availability. Volvo wanted to introduce a new car into the series, instead of the older model. So they provided a newer model, brown Volvo. Immediately we knew it had to be repainted, and chose a dark, non-shiny, black color. It added more to the first Edward scene in the movie, the feeling is upbeat but the color of the vehicle adds to the danger lurking.

Sekunde mal, verstehe ich das richtig?Der Volvo war ursprünglich Braun, man muste sich also dazu entscheiden ihn für den Film umzulackieren, verständlich, denn wer das Buch gelesen hat und den Unterschied zwischen braun und silber kennt, weiß wovon ich spreche, man hat das Teil also umlackiert in SCHWARZ?Korrigiert mich wenn ich irgendetwas falsch verstanden hab :/

Na was soll's, in dieser Frage hier erfahren wir so einiges zur DVD...

5.) Were there any scenes that you would have loved to see in the film but never made the final cut?

A.) Yes, one scene. There’s a scene with a motorcycle crash that gives more of a sense of danger. The reason why it didn’t make the final cut was because of weather reasons, it was just too sunny to be considered Forks. The DVD will include that scene as well as extended scenes. Some of the extended scenes include more of Edward’s visit to the Volturi concerning his immortality and more from the scene between Carlisle and Bella. [when he was stitching Bella up.] In one of the early drafts of the script this scene was not in the movie. Immediately I knew that had to change, it was essential to the story line.

Anmerkung der Gewinnerin zum Interview...

OKAY! so i won a contest, from Twilight's official twitter.. so i've been communicating via phone and email with Summit Entertainment as to when the phone call will take place depending on availability.. and today was the day of the phone call!!

Chris said he was glad I won the contest and that he really enjoyed my questions! =]]

the following, due to demand and my own desire, are my questions and Chris Weitz's answers! (some parts are paraphrased)

Komplettes Interview via Cullenboysanonymous!


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