Diesmal führte Movieline ein Interview mit Rob...
Vorsicht *Spoiler*
Did you have a favorite scene, then?
On this? [Contemplating.] If I think of it afterward it’s probably not the one, but I love the scene where he goes into the school to confront [his sister]’s bullies. Mainly because it’s just a fantasy! Being the older brother, you always want to do stuff like that. It sounds like the most unprofound thing, but it did feel really good doing it. But there were tons of things in this. I think the movie sort of works as… I don’t know if “cohesive” is the right word, but it’s all part of one big thing. It doesn’t really feel like set-piece scenes. It’s really weird, and I was really conscious of that when I was filming it. It seemed like everything was very connected. There are some movies you do where you say, “Oh, this scene was really good to do, and the other ones are just sort of, you know, fill-ins.” It seemed like everything came from the same place.
Und jeeeeetzt hab ich endlich auch kapiert, was es mit dieser *Ich schmeiß den Gegenstand durchs Fenster auf den Flur* (0:48) auf sich hat, oder irre ich mich vielleicht?
ist das im film die stimme von edward???
AntwortenLöschenwürd mich freun, wenn jemand antwortet !! :)
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, aber sie klingt der von edward schon sehr, sehr ähnlich.
AntwortenLöschenAber in twilight klingt die immer anders.