Ich weiß, in den letzten Tagen hab ich euch bombardiert mit Interviews von ihm, aber ich find was er zu sagen hat, ist immer äußerst amüsant, und besonders dieses Interview!Außerdem ist es wirklich interessant was er so zur negativen Kritik an New Moon zu sagen hat!
I'm sure you've seen the Jimmy Fallon skits. Which begs the most important question of the day: How bothered is Robert Pattinson?
Chris Weitz: How bothered is he? Here's the thing. I am a pop culture moron. You'll have to tell me what happened.
Pattinson climbed into the tree with Fallon for Late Night's Bothered skit.
Chris Weitz: I haven't seen that. How bothered is Robert? He doesn't seem terribly bothered at all. No. I think he will be able to handle it.
This may have been one of the most popular yet most critically derided films of the past year. What do you think the fans see in it that the critics just don't get?
Chris Weitz: The critics are probably people that haven't read the books. Thus, they're not attached to the books in a way that the fans are attached to the books. I'm not incredibly surprised that it took a bit of a critical drubbing. There is an adherent disconnect between the fan base of the books and the critical base of people who review movies for a living. No surprises there, really. There aren't many Twihards amongst the reviews working for newspapers and websites. Also, it's a very female driven franchise. We still live in a state where pop culture is dominated by male desires.
Das komplette Interview gibt's auf Movieweb!
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