Have you been in a fight before?
Well, I've been beaten up a few times. I was a bit of an idiot when I was younger. Always unprovoked, in my eyes anyway. It was just after I first started acting and I liked to behave like an actor and that generally provoked a lot of people into hitting me.

TeenHollywood führte ein Interview mit Rob, wirklich lesenswert, hier ein Auszug :)
TeenHollywood: The relationship between you and your little sister in the film, played by Ruby Jerins, seemed very natural. Can you talk about working with her and forging that relationship?
Rob: Yeah. She was amazing. Right from the first day, she was kind of completely at ease with me. I remember sitting around with Alan and Emilie and Ruby and we're all talking about relationships and I asked her just to be kind of nice, 'what do you think (your character) Caroline would think?' And she said 'well' and went off on this whole diatribe about her character's whole backstory and stuff and I thought 'oh, okay. I won't patronize you anymore at all' (he laughs). But, she's an amazing improviser as well and just seemed so completely at ease. She didn't seem like an 'actory' kid either so I loved it. Anytime I was working with her, you just knew you didn't have to worry about anything. I'd just kind of look at her and it was always interesting what she did.
TeenHollywood: You play an NYU student and the apartment and other locales seem very real. What did being in the actual places do for you performance-wise?
Rob: I always felt, if this is a typical NYU student's apartment then (wow!) He's living in the East Village in this really nice apartment, just a little bit messy, I always thought that was a little bit much. It looked like a million dollar apartment (to me).
But it did help. Before I went to New York, I thought it was going to be really easy and I could just hang out there and pick up on a lot of New Yorker's mannerisms but it ended up being a more kind of circus than I thought it was going to be (laughs). But, yeah, it definitely was (helpful).
(It was helpful) especially shooting at NYU. I knew quite a few people who went there as well so that was easier and I think the script helped as well because you always see college movies and there is always like beer pong which is like 'this can't be real'. Maybe it is. I have no idea (laughing).
TeenHollywood: Do people judge your work differently after the Twilight films?
Rob: Yeah, I think people do judge things differently after the Twilight films. They view it differently but I mean there's nothing you can really do about that. I do take that into account more now than I used to. Doing the Dali thing (Little Ashes), when I was doing it, I didn't think anyone was ever going to see it. It's a very different place to be at when you think you're making a movie which nobody is going to see; you're not afraid to experiment with things.
TeenHollywood: When you go crazy in the school room it's pretty intense too. The young actress opposite you looks scared.
Rob: There was one take of that they had to cut out because it looked like I'd not only be charged with vandalism but in jail for child abuse because I spun that desk around and it fell over and she just ran away out of the classroom (laughs) and I'm supposed to continue on with the scene and I'm like 'oh my God, I'm actually going to get arrested for this'. It was great. She looked absolutely terrified afterwards which was quite fun.
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