''when you’re the director, you’re kind of like the school principal. Nobody really tells you anything.''

Lange nichts mehr gehört von unserem Lieblings Regisseur :) Und im Ernst, mir stand der Mund offen, bei der Antwort auf die Frage, welche Dinge in New Moon er jetzt ändern würde, wenn er könnte!Hammer Interview mal wieder, Chris Humor hat mir gefehlt :)
There are lots of different editions of the New Moon DVD. Which bonus features are you particularly excited about? I’m excited that my voice will finally be heard! For me, the fun thing was doing the commentary with Peter Lambert, my editor, because it kind of re-created the atmosphere in the cutting room. Peter’s a really funny guy, and we were able to delve into not only the behind-the-scenes moments, but to explain why certain things were shot or cut together in certain ways. So that, for me, was the most fun.
When you go back and watch it again, are there things you’d like to change if you could? I would like to never have shot Rob and Kristen running through the forest...

You must get lots of questions abut Rob and Kristen. Do you laugh it off or are you totally sick of hearing about it? I’m somewhat clueless — when you’re the director, you’re kind of like the school principal. Nobody really tells you anything. You really have no idea what’s going on. I’m the last person who would know about this kinda stuff. I’m sure you could get more from reading the paper.
What was your favorite scene to shoot in New Moon? I’m very fond of the memories that a lot of the scenes invoke in me. My favorite scene is probably somewhere between the very last scene, and the cliffhanger that it’s left on, and the scenes in Italy. Just the experience shooting those scenes was so magnificent. We were in this beautiful hillside town in Tuscany, and going home to fresh-made pasta every night, and surrounded by thousands of fans of the series while we were shooting it. I know I’ll never experience anything like that ever again.
What’s your take on the rumors that Breaking Dawn will likely be two movies, possibly in 3D? 3D seems to be the new thing that everything has to be. I think the good thing about 3D is that it can lend tremendous depth to a picture, and really make it extraordinarily lush, visually. And also that it gets people to go out to the theater. Film directors want people to see things in the theater, on the big screen, at least the first time. So that’s a good thing. As for the book being broken up into two films, I think it’s a good idea. There’s so much material in the final book that I think it’s warranted.
How would you direct Breaking Dawn? Very carefully, because I think that you want to deliver the fans a faithful version of the book that they love. Yes, there’s a lot of extraordinary goings-on. So it’ll have to be done carefully.
Also ich hätt nix gegen Chris als BD Regisseur :)
Lest HIER was Chris Weitz dazu meint, wie sich der Einsatz verschiedener Regisseure auf die Twilight Franchise ausgewirkt hat und ob er sich darauf freut Eclipse zu sehen, oder ob er zwangsläufig darüber nachdenken wird, was er anders gemacht hätte!
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