There is no ocean nearby this actual location, so it's funny when they add boats, crab traps (which they did for the previous two movies) and all the boating and fishing props. They seem so obviously out of place, but perfect touches for the movies.
Ein neues Bild von einem Fan, der Mackenzie in Vancouver traf...
“Got a picture w/ Mackenzie a little before they left BR! She is PRECIOUS!
” She looks so cute & happy!
via NessieMackenzie

via NessieMackenzie
Das Wolfpack, inklusive Taylor hat seine erste Szene schon abgedreht...
OLTV The Wolfpack, Including Taylor Lautner, Filmed Their First Breaking Dawn Scene Today, Taylor arrived unnoticed.
TheAlexMeraz Finished with the first day of filming in 29 degree genitalia was non-existant for a moment there. The wolfpack was NOT packing
sonofbrown @TheAlexMeraz speak for your self I always packing says the 5 layers told you to wear the fleece bro. Ps when we going to dinner.
sonofbrown Just finished shooting a scene with with my wolf boy's yes even taylor. So tired we started a 6am.
CircaKiGordon Filmed the Wolfpack's first scene today. It's so cold out in the woods.
Ich frage mich immer noch wie Taylor unbemerkt in Vancouver ankommen konnte! Wir haben die Macht von Rob's MTV Jacke anscheinend völlig unterschätzt! VÖLLIG UNTERSCHÄTZT!
Dreh Location für heute...
Und die Hochzeit wurde wohl noch nicht gedreht...
TTOBR For all the people who keep asking us... wedding has NOT been filmed yet... ;o)
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