Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009

MTV Interview mit Rob!

MTV: Who is your favorite movie vampire of all time?

Pattinson: Wow, I don't really know. I always think of the wrong people. I always think Christian Slater in "Interview With a Vampire," but he's not the vampire — he's the interviewer! I really like Wesley Snipes [in the "Blade" movies]. I think Wesley Snipes is great.

MTV: Out of all the "Twilight" stars, you seem to do the fewest interviews. Why is that?

Pattinson: I think it's such a risky thing doing interviews. I try to limit the amount of interviews I do, because no one is that interesting, especially when you're not really saying anything. I don't particularly want to be some kind of character in society or whatever. So I guess the only thing you can do is do jobs and see if people respond to tha

MTV: You tease yourself as "not saying anything," and a lot of people see you as being self-deprecating. Are you?

Pattinson: I'm always told that I don't really know who I am, so hopefully I won't compartmentalize myself because of that. I am just completely ignorant of [how others perceive me]. I've never really struggled with anything up until recently. I've got to stop being so self-depreciating, because people are starting to believe it. They're like, "Yeah, that guy is an idiot." So I've tried to stop doing that.

Komplettes Interview auf Mtv.com!


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