Montag, 30. November 2009

Taylor gemobbt in der Schule?


The ‘Twilight Saga: New Moon’ actor says fellow pupils used to ridicule his acting ambitions, which affected his confidence but he refused to give up on his dream.

''Ich war nie sehr selbstbewusst.Weil ich Schauspieler war, gab es als ich zur Schule ging ein bisschen Mobbing. Nicht körperliches Mobbing, aber Leute haben sich über das lustig gemacht was ich tue...ich musste mir einfach sagen, ich darf das nicht an mich ranlassen.Das ist es was ich gerne tue.Und ich werde damit weitermachen.''

The 17-year-old star, who gained 30lbs of muscle ahead of shooting the vampire sequel, also insisted the female attention he receives is for his character, werewolf Jacob Black, not himself.

He told America’s Rolling Stone magazine, “This could have happened to anybody who played Jacob. I was just lucky enough to be the one that has the opportunity. I’m so grateful. It’s ‘Twilight.’ It’s not me personally.”

Despite his youth, Taylor has impressed his ‘Twilight’ co-stars with his maturity.

Kristen Stewart said, “He’s so picky. I was the first person who got him to eat sushi. He’s very set in his ways. But that is very informative of his personality. He’s very steady. He has a really solid sense of himself.”

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