26.Februar, London...(Auszug)

After moping about all morning my cousin dragged me into town (Oxford Circus I'm guessing is the town centre, right?) to go shopping. Now because my cousin ALWAYS and I mean always sees Rob whilst he's at London, I started forcing her to have a picture at the ready in her bag to get signed for me (my weirdness just doesn't end, I'm sorry). You'll understand why this is important later. :)
I like this story, it's long but I feel all interesting. If you're still reading, I LIKE YOU. :D
So yeah, we went shopping and I bought lots of little New Moon goodies, god bless London, we have nothing in Liverpool. Literally nothing. We're losers like that. :) We end up in this little shop next to Selfridges, it sold utter rubbish, but I like rubbish. I spend a lot of money on rubbish. I talk rubbish *continues with story* So I'm looking at some little goodies and my cousin elbows me in the side whispering 'Jeanette turn round, quick, look, look, look now' Me, not having a clue what she's talking about, is too scared to turn around thinking I'm going to get attacked or something. My cousin has to literally pull me to face the other direction. I turn and guess who is standing less than a few meters away from me? ROBERT PATTINSON. :D
Oh and Tom Sturridge too! But Rob was there, infront of me. So TomStu was forgotten. :')
So whilst I was in let's stare at Rob land my cousin is shouting at me for not listening, she then is like 'go up to him' which I thought was the stupidest idea ever and refused. (I was scared okay!) So she just walked over to him (must be nice knowing him! Pfft!) While I'm left standing there like a fool.
She goes over to him and starts speaking to him like they are best friends. (NOT AT ALL JEALOUS) then asks him if he would sign the picture (the one I mentioned before) for me. She points at me whilst I'm standing there catching flies (because I'm that dozy).
Rob then turns to look at me and says 'Come over here, I don't bite' (<---OH MEIN.....!!) then looks down at the picture in his hand (of Edward) and laughs that lovely tinkling laugh. *sigh*
I walked over slowly (I'm sorry I'm just a big loser, it's true *smiles*) and stood before him. He asked me if I had a pen to sign the picture and I literally died a little... I didn't have a pen.
I frantically looked around the shop and picked up a pack of Sharpie pens and tore the pack open. Bahahahaha. The shop man did not look happy at this, but who cares? Rob Pattinson needed a pen. ;D
I gave him the pen, he asked me my name and signed the picture to me. Whilst signing it he says 'I hope you're going to pay for this pen, I don't condone stealing' to which I replied 'no' :D He laughed handed me the picture, took the pack of pens off me and... wait for it... PAID FOR THE PENS.
Everytime I've said I've died within this encounter? I take it back, I died when he bought the pens. How many people can say Robert Pattinson paid for a pack of pens for them? (Whilst purchasing ciggies may I add) That's exactly what he did. He gave me the pens back after he paid. :D *squeals like a fangirl* He then said it was nice meeting us and started to walk out the shop.
I, after holding in a giant squeal for so long, let it out and squealed and jumped up and down like a strange fangirl (I just couldn't help myself). What I didn't realise was that he was still in the shop. He turned around after hearing an earshattering scream and fucking SMIRKED AT ME. He then waved at us and left the shop.
Den kompletten Bericht HIER
11.November, London...(Auszug)

So yeah, Rob came out first, he was just lovely. Trying to sign everyone's books and stuff.
He was getting close to me and maybe just a little bit I hyperventilated. ;D Nothing compared to our conversation though.
Yes, myself and the Pattinson spoke. Well really I squealed. Fan girl style. But still.;D
I had my book at the ready for him to sign, but the girl next to me decided she was more important and shoved my book out the way. :/ HOWEVER... Rob saw this, moved the girl's book, took mine off me and signed it. ;D So sweet. He then said to me 'I like your pretty little hair bow' and touched it. Maybe I died inside. ;D Instead of being sensible and just smiling I decided to squeal 'AHHH, THANKYOU PATTY' at him. Bahaha. He laughed at this, said 'pfft, Patty' and ruffled my hair.
Just ahh. That's all i can come up with to describe that moment. Fun times. ;D
AntwortenLöschenWie süß!!!!!
Genau so habe ich mir Rob auch vorgestellt,immer nett und zuvorkommend und gerecht und ..ooohhhh....*schwärm*!!!
I really want to meet him too!!!
I X3 ROB!!!
glg Christina