Kellan, Dakota & Ashley ebenfalls auf dem Weg nach Baton Rouge...

Rob und Kristen wurden am Flughafen Heathrow (London) gesichtet und außerdem im Flieger nach New Orleans...
So...Kraig and I were just sitting on the plane waiting for it to take off to new orleans...our seats we're fit next to the door and I looked up to see robert pattinson walk right by our seats and sit only a few rows in front of us...we asked the stewardessand she said it was him and kristen....so we road on the same plane for three hours with both of ten right in front of us!
Außerdem sind inzwischen noch weitere Leute vom Cast in Baton Rouge angekommen...
erikodom Back in BR...love it here
@judishekoni The party has started again!!!
Amadou Ly: Good Morning from Baton Rouge. Had a great flight.
@peterfacinelli Back at work. Having my make-up applied. How many men can say that on a Monday morning.
@JanelleFro Yes! And we’re back on set. I love these people.
Cameron Bright Heading back to Baton Rouge tomorrow.
LisaHowardNYC Waiting at LaGuardia airport. So crowded! Looking forward to seeing my new vamp friends again:-)
Valorie Curry Waiting in the most epic line in airport history. Everybody, cross your fingers that I make my flight!
Immer wieder diese Glückspilze...^^