Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010

Neues auf Twitter!

Was werd ich da immer aggro...

 Aber zum Thema :)

Charlie vermisst das Wolfpack^^

alchemission I miss the WOLFPACK @TheAlexMeraz @sonofbrown @CircaKiGordon @THEREALCHASKE ... there's no party weeout dem.

alchemission @mammarazzi1 I mean whaaaaa...? course I miss Boobs.

Und Kiowa die Volturi...

CircaKiGordon @alchemission I miss the volturi

Na das wäre dann ja geklärt^^

 kellanlutz Thank you Sgt. Anderson and everyone at EBRSO S.W.A.T. for all the training, shooting, and fun you let me experien
 Thank you Sgt. Anderson and everyone at EBRSO S.W.A.T. for all the training, shooting, and fun you let me experience.

 Lebensweisheiten von Tinsel und Justin :)

justinchon be grateful for today bc tomorrow is never guaranteed

tinselkorey I've learned in my life 2 b humble. Becuz as fast as something is given 2 u, it can b taken away faster if u dont appreciate it :)

Ja es hat mich einiges an Zeit gekostet, vor allem Tinsel Koreys Twitter Vokabular zu verstehen, aber mittlerweile klappt es ganz gut :)

Hier die Tweets von David Slade, die ich verstanden hab ;O

DAVID_A_SLADE ...and suggested directing an R Rated film based on "The Short 2nd Life Of Bree Tanner" to Stephenie Meyer.

DAVID_A_SLADE Other behind scenes stories: Early alt title for Eclipse: "Twilight 3, Twi-Hard or Die Twi-ing" was rejected by the studio more than once.

Daniel und Cameron twittern aus Baton Rouge

cameronbright Went to set today with Charlie, Daniel and Christopher. We had dinner with the crew, then met with Hair, Makeup,...

danielcudmore Saw some old faces and met some new ones on set today....itsa gona be a good wun!!

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