Braving the cold this morning, five four-legged couriers made a unique delivery. A pack of wolves has delivered the first batch of DVDs to a retailer in London in the early hours of today prior to the release of the The Twilight Saga: Eclipse which is out on DVD and Blu-ray on Monday 6th December and is set to be a howling success.
Film company Entertainment One has hired five wolves to ensure the safe delivery of the first batch of films to HMV’s Piccadilly store. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse – starring Kristen Stewart, Brit star Robert Pattinson and US talent Taylor Lautner – is set to become one of the biggest home entertainment releases of 2010 thanks to the loyal following of ‘Twi-hards’ – fans of Stephenie Meyer’s series of novels and films.
The wolves, who have been in special training for the task for the past three months, were led by the members of Jacob’s ‘wolf clan’ and walked over 10 miles to the city centre. The furry five-some shocked members of the public as they were spotted walking through the streets of central London holding the DVDs firmly in their mouths.
via Twilightish
die typen - naja, aber die wölfe sehen gut aus!!
AntwortenLöschenich glaub, die typen sind schon zur new moon fan party und zur eclipse-premiere rumgeturnt..
hab meine uk-dvd heute bekommen *freu*
lg cl.
wölfe... na klar! das sind ganz normale huskies!
AntwortenLöschenhihi - dann find ich die ganz normalen huskies voll süß :)
hab meine UK dvd auch heute morgen bekommen! :) Hurra! kanns kaum erwarten heim zu kommen! ;)
AntwortenLöschenUi bei dem winterlichen Wetter laufen die oberkörperfrei draußen rum ... tapfer!^^