2. Robert Pattinson We would be remiss if RPattz didn't make it on our list, and—prepare your rotten veggies—I'll be the first to admit that I definitely think he is much hotter as Cedric Diggory than he is as Edward Cullen. Plus he has one of the top five most heartbreaking deaths in "Harry Potter" history, which earns him a top spot on this list. His death scene made me cry more than Sirius Black's, and that's saying something.

3. Sean Biggerstaff <--- In ihn hier war ich lange Zeit sehr verliebt, nachdem ich den Film gesehen hatte^^
You might find yourself asking, "Who the hell is Sean Biggerstaff?" Sean had the fairly small role in the first two "Potter" films of Oliver Wood, Harry's Quidditch captain, but he is a fond memory that we love looking back on again, and again, and again. We suggest you hop on the bandwagon as well

4. Daniel Radcliffe My goodness, Daniel Radcliffe turned out well. Sure, we have a special place in our hearts for the tiny boy with big glasses and a lightning bolt scar from "Sorcerer's Stone," but Dan is just so charming in person (and talks at a rate of about a thousand words a minute) that he managed

5. Christian Coulson <--- Als mir meine Schwester erzählt hatte, dass 'der eine Typ aus Harry Potter' für die Rolle des Edward Cullen gecastet wurde, dachte ich zu erst er sei gemeint!
Before the Big Three had hit puberty in the films, we were already drooling over their arch enemy, Tom Riddle (a.k.a the boy who became Voldemort). Christian Coulson definitely made his mark in those few scenes he had in "Chamber of Secrets," and we're guessing the filmmakers didn't bring him back for "Half-Blood Prince" because they probably didn't want all the girls in the audience drooling over someone who would become the most evil being alive. C'est la vie.

6. Freddie Stroma Cormac McLaggen might not have been the nicest person on the Quidditch team, but he sure was pretty to look at. Fortunately it looks like his purpose lasted beyond "Half-Blood Prince" since we'll be seeing Freddie Stroma again in "Deathly Hallows: Part 1." Thank goodness, because we need more blond beauties in "Harry Potter."

7. Rupert Grint
Who would have thought that hilarious Rupert Grint would grow up to be so freaking awkward/adorable. Sure, not all of you out there might be into gingers (more for us!), but it's hard to deny that Rupert has an irresistible sort of charm that we're looking forward to seeing more of in the future.

8. Stanislav Ianevski
Looks like Viktor Krum won't be making a return in "Part 1" like he did in the book, but that mostly bums us out because it means we won't have a reason to drool over Stanislav Ianevski some more. Remember a time when we all thought that he was hotter than Robert Pattinson in "Goblet of Fire"?

9. James and Oliver Phelps <---In einen von beiden war ich auch verliebt...obwohl, wahrscheinlich in beide^^
Oh yeah, ladies, we get to put hot twins on our list too! (Two is always better than one, right?!) The Phelps boys have not only charmed our socks off as Fred and George Weasley, but they've also grown into two dashing young gentlemen (who also happen to be just as funny in real life!)

10. Matthew Lewis Yes, Neville Longbottom is supposed to be awkward and homely, but boy has Matthew Lewis grown out of that. He started off as being geeky and adorable in "Sorcerer's Stone," but has definitely toughened up over the years. Also, we should note that when Matt is out of his Neville make-up, he looks a whole lot cuter.
Lach den Oliver Wood fand ich beim Ersten mal schauen auch richtig *lecker*.
AntwortenLöschenIch fand es wirklich schade das er sooo schnell NICHT mehr dabei war.
Ehrlich gesagt war das der erste wo ich dachte.. WOW... (aber auch weil er meiner Altersklasse entsprach)
Ähm und Robi damals als Cedric Diggory fand ich nur OK.
Ich fand es schlimmer das er zum schluss umkommen musste.
Nunja Heute können wir von Glück reden, sonst wäre er sicher nicht unser Edward geworden.
Und ja die Phelps Zwillingen....
Mein Favorite,von den beiden ist Oliver!
Pssss..... Mit ihren Braunen Haaren gefallen sie mir eindeutig besser. *schwärm*
Matthew Lewis wäre zwar nicht so auf meiner persönlichen Liste, der Hooties dafür ist ER einer meiner Lieblingsschauspieler(heimlicher Held) aus HP.
AntwortenLöschenseehr colle Jungs, Tom Felton ist wiiiiirklich hot, und Oliver Wood fand ich auch immer echt gut, genau wie Mclaggen♥
Aber was reden die da immer vom sorceres Stone, hab ich da irgendwas verpasst, steh ich aufm Schlauch oder was ist los, der 1. Teil heisst doch Philosphers Stone, oder??
Könnt mich vielleicht jemand aufklären?
das buch und der film wurden in den usa unter dem titel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone veröffentlicht, da man glaubte die amerikaner könnten mit dem begriff Philosopher's Stone nix anfangen :)
AntwortenLöschenMh also mein Typ ist Tom Felton auf keinen Fall. Da sind mir David Radcliffe und Rupert Grint ja noch lieber. Meine Nr. 1 ist aber natürlich Robert Pattinson! <3
AntwortenLöschenAhh Danke Sina:))
AntwortenLöschenIch unwissende, schande über mich:D
Aber jetzt weiss ich ja auch bescheid!