Lass mich nicht lügen, aber ist das da nicht Javier Bardem an Billys Seite??????? UPDATE: Das ist nicht Javier Bardem, sondern Jeffrey Dean Morgan! DANKE, DANKE an Anna in den Kommentaren! Ich bin fasst verrückt geworden, weil ich wusste, dass da was nicht stimmen kann! LOL! Die beiden sehen sich nämlich wirklich verdammt ähnlich und dann noch der fast gleiche Vorname, ich meine das gibt's doch nicht!

Weitere Bilder: TwilightBritneyFan
Jedendfalls sind Booboo und Bronson wieder zurück aus L.A (Twilight Convention; Bilder von ihrer Ankunft findet ihr HIER) und so wurde das Wolfpack wieder mehrmals unterwegs in Vancouver gesichtet...
OLTV #BreakingDawn new info coming up. Wolfies go on a road trip Wednesday.
Und morgen machen sie sich Angaben zufolge für Dreharbeiten auf nach Tofino (an der Westküste von Vancouver Island)...
The Wolf Pack is heading to Tofino, (west coast of Vancouver Island) on Wednesday (March 9) to continue filming #BreakingDawn. We last saw Jacob Black and Bella Swan in Tofino during the filming of New Moon when they were walking on the beach. Then Jacob pulled Bella out of the water after a near drowning while she was cliff jumping. We can expect to see beautiful vistas and some of the best locations around southern British Columbia in Breaking Dawn parts one and two.
Tracey Heggins aka Senna ist ebenfalls in Vancouver angekommen...
Es gibt außerdem einen aktuellen Fanbericht vom Swan Haus Filmset...
I have a couple of shots from Bella’s house where they were filming yesterday – although you can’t really see much of anything except the black screens. The security is super tight – the production company “purchased” all the roads around Bella’s house so that no one was allowed to “loiter”. We were not allowed to get anywhere near the set or any of the vehicles. After about 40 mins of standing back the police came and told us we had to leave. We couldn’t be anywhere on the road within 3 blocks of the set. From my understanding they were filming at Bella’s house for one day only – I can’t believe they built a whole house for just one day of filming! We were told none of the cast were on set, but I’m positive that that was a lie as they would have been there if they were only filming one day. Also, another girl who was standing with us saw Charlie that morning and we were pretty sure that we saw two of the wolf pack go by in the many vans with darkened windows that were flying up and down the road. I was speaking with a crew member at a local coffee shop and he said that in all his 20 years in the movie industry he has never seen so much secrecy and security on a production. He made a comment about how it seemed weird to him that the stars were hiding from the very people who made them stars.
Weitere Bilder: BreakingDawnMovie
Ein aktuelles Interview mit Tinsel, sie spricht über Breaking Dawn und vor allem die Hochzeitsszene!
Auf könnt ihr euch wußerdem einen Artikel zu Rob und Kristens angeblicher Date Night durchlesen. Die beiden waren gemeinsma in einem von Rob's Lieblingsrestaurants essen. Mit dabei weitere Freunde, darunter Kellan.
tinselkorey Packing my rain boots 4 my last minute flight out 2 Van tomorrow. LOL. I'll get 2 c Chaske 4 his bday on Wednesday! :D YAY!
tinselkorey Super excited about flying to Vancouver to film Breaking Dawn. Not excited about my 6:30am wake up call. LOL Not a morning person. hehehe
AshleyMGreene My dress I wore on set today was adorable. The weather? Not so much!! Man it's cold out!
CircaKiGordon Breaking Dawn
mammarazzi1 had an awesome time at the la twilight convention, back in vancouver now
On Monday 7th March 2011, @TTOBR said:
Happy Lundi Gras! Who's still on a 4 day weekend? Seems while some cast were visiting with fans at the L.A. Twilight Convention, some were out and about in Vancouver. A few people even got to meet..... Taylor Lautner! (Ok, I might be a teeny tiny bit jealous. LOL.) And Peter Facinelli as always was a HUGE hit with convention goers! ;o)
Okay, das passt jetzt vielleicht nur zum Thema Twitter, denn von da habe ich den Link. An alle Fans vom Film 'Up' bzw. 'Oben'...
erdgeist Na, wer hat "Up" geguckt und sich gedacht "das geht doch nie"? Nehmt das!
FYI: Das ist Jeffrey Dean Morgan, nicht Javier!
AntwortenLöschenIch weiss, die sehen sich sehr ähnlich xD
Gern ;)
AntwortenLöschenWenn man die beiden googlet (komisches Wort) kommt in den Ergebnissen noch ein Bild mit den beiden + Robert Downey Jr., das ist auch köstlich :D
ich verwechsel die auch ständig, weiß grad wieder nicht, wer wer ist...
AntwortenLöschenDean Morgan....
AntwortenLöschenOh jaaaaaa er hat den Vater
von SAM und Dean *g* in Supernatural gespielt, bzw spielt ihn.