Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010

Kristen dreht "An American Girl" nächstes Jahr-sagt James Woods

Schauspieler und Regisseur James Woods sprach zur Premiere von WTTR in New York darüber, dass sein Film "An American Girl" nächstes Jahr in Produktion gehen wird und Kristen ist seit 2 Jahren an Bord...Bis jetzt gibt es noch keine Bestätigung von ihrem Management-aber wenn er das in nem Interview erzählt, muss/sollte ja was Wahres dran sein.
Kurz zur Handlung des Films: Es geht um eine Schülerin, die kurz vor ihrem Abschluss an der High School ist und unwissend beim Sex gefilmt wird. Um der Demütigung der Mitschüler etc. zu entkommen, entschließt sie sich zu den Marines zu gehen.
Klingt definitiv nach einer Rolle die Kristen spielen würde...

[...]Though Stewart had not yet become a breakout star in Hollywood at the time, Woods said he eyed her for the role based on advice from Sean Penn and Dennis Quaid, both of whom had worked with her on previous films. Woods' casting director tried to talk him into casting another actress, but he was adamant. "She's the one I want. She's it," he recalled telling the casting director.

"Her insight into the script was so perceptive and prescient as it turns out that I was overwhelmed with what a true professional and what a true artist she was, beyond her talent," he explained. "She's got a real brain for script analysis. She's just been totally devoted throughout all this fame. It's never dented her at all. She's been terrific from day one up until this very minute."

Despite that fame that has enveloped her since "Twilight" hit theaters in late 2008 — and despite all the roles that have come her way — Stewart remained committed to "American Girl." Woods, for one, expected nothing less from the young actress.

"She has been steadfast and true in her commitment, which did not surprise me, because when I started working with her on the script," he said, "she was so insightful."

via MTV via Larry411

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