Dienstag, 10. April 2012

Hollywood.com: 22 Komplimente zu Kristen´s 22.Geburtstag

Anlässlich Kristen´s gestrigem 22. Geburtstag haben auch die amerikanischen Boulevard-Webseiten gratuliert und eine davon, Hollywood.com, hat einmal 22. Komplimente zu ihrem 22.Geburtstag aufgelistet ;)

via Hollywood.com
1. She has one of the hottest boyfriends — Robert Pattinson — on the planet (he even sparkles in the sun!).
2. She's successfully avoided being typecast post-Twilight, something not every star is able to escape.
3. Her acting range knows no bounds. Whether it be sword fighting or a vampire love scene, nothing's out of Stewart's reach.
3. She's picking high grade material in 2012 (Snow White and the Huntsman). No more damsel in distress for this girl.
4. She deserves much higher praise for her role in the criminally underrated movie Adventureland.
5. She hasn't let fame affect her true self.
6. She is quite the natural beauty, but is never vain about it.
7. She looks great in a (fake) wedding dress.
8. She does a great job of not speaking in Speak. Eat your heart out The Artist.
9. She actually has a pretty good singing voice, very reminiscent of Joan Jet.
10. Plays a very believable diabetic even at the ripe age of 13 years old (Panic Room).
11. She's able to control herself whenever Taylor Lautner takes his shirt off (a trick I have not yet mastered).
12. She's a great kisser, and has several MTV Best Kiss awards to back it up.
13. She's adventurous enough for Martin Starr and Jesse Eisenberg (Adventureland).
14. She actually managed to pull off the Joan Jet look — a hairstyle that is not that these days.
15. She plays nice with others, despite what the rumor mill says.
16. She deserves major props for successfully conquering her fear of horses on the set Snow White and the Huntsman.
17. She doesn't discriminate: she's open to dating both mortals and supernatural creatures.
18. She can handle long distance relationships (see Jumper).
19. She has great taste in co-stars.
20. She performed the most convincing (non) birth ever seen — that Breaking Dawn birth scene was pretty hardcore.
21. She got the Charlize Theron stamp of approval. If it's good for Charlize, then it's good for us.
22. She is the fairest one of all (Snow White and the Huntsman).

Das Lesen dieser Auflistung hat mich zum Schmunzeln gebracht :) Was gefällt euch denn am Besten an Kristen?!
Ich (Bruni) für meinen Teil habe irgendwann mal diese Webseite entdeckt und erschreckenderweise treffen einige dieser Punkte zu :D

Auch PopSugar hat dieses Kristen Video zusammengestellt ;) - "22 Gründe, warum wir Kristen so lieben!"

via popsugar

Und zu guter Letzt haben wir hier noch eine kleine Diashow zusammengestellt vom Glamour Magazin UK zu Ehren Kristen´s Geburtstag ;)


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