Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

"Stretch Armstrong" Regisseur verrät Erwartungen an Taylor

Na das wird definitiv ein Film sein, den sich wohl jeder Taylor Lautner Fan ansehen wird-bei den Aussichten...Taylor ohne Shirt, knapp 2 Stunden lang sein Sixpack auf der großen Leinwand :) Das passt, wackelt und hat Luft^^

Taylor Lautner's coming Stretch Armstrong writer/director Nick Stoller (hired in April) has spoken up about what fans can expect to see from Lautner and the film whenever it is made. "He will not wear a shirt. Yeah he won’t wear a shirt through the whole thing . . . I’m sure we will find a way for him not to have his shirt on at some point in the movie," he teased to MTV's Hollywood Crush.

"It's really exciting to get to work with a star who's just so, like, white hot right now . . . And he's just this really nice kid, it's such a funny thing to witness. And he's smart. He's got really good notes on the script. He's just the real deal and, yeah, he happens to have an awesome six pack."

Ganzen Artikel gibts bei Twilight Examiner

via Twilightish

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