Sonntag, 8. August 2010

"On the Road" - Info über eine der Schlüsselszenen *Spoiler*

Leider gibt es immer noch keine Fotos von Kristen als "Marylou":( ...Aber die Dreharbeiten zu OTR laufen auf Hochtouren. Gestern wurde eine wichtige Szene gedreht-SPOILER...wer das Buch noch liest oder es vor hat und sich vorher nicht spoilern will, sollte jetzt aufhören zu lesen.
Also, gestern wurde die Beerdigungsszene vom Vater einer der Hauptfiguren gedreht(Sal) und Kristen war auch mit dabei. Ebenso wie Garrett Hedlund und Sam Riley, nur Kirsten Dunst war nicht mit dabei.
OTR soll 2011 in die Kinos kommen.

The cemetery served as a backdrop for filming the funeral of the father of one of the main characters (Sal.) Over a hundred engineers, many Quebecers have been selected for this purpose.

"They come here with all their equipment, catering, they are fully autonomous and remain very very talkative about their work," confided the president of the Legion, Remi Champagne.

Local media have also been kept off the premises and are prevented from taking photos of celebrities and film locations. But Thursday morning, there remained no trace of the film crew.

On the Road
Directed by Walter Salles, the film On the Road (we say that the title may change before launch) refers to the years of the beat generation in the United States.
This movement is brilliantly illustrated in what is considered the most eloquent manifesto that time, the novel by the author Jack Kerouac Franco-American (1957) from which the film was adapted.

Among the stars of the film, are actress Kristen Stewart, one of the main stars of the Twilight series, Kirsten Dunst (Spiderman), as well as Sam Riley and Garrett Hedlund (Troy, Four Brothers ).

It was however impossible to see one or other of these Hollywood stars during the shooting last Wednesday. However, according to our sources, Kirsten Dunst is the only of the four stars mentioned not to have attended the scene shot at us.

The movie On the Road is expected in theaters in 2011.

Hier nun noch einige Setfotos-hoffentlich sehen wir bald welche mit Menschen, nicht nur deren Trailer


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