Freitag, 6. Januar 2012

Neue/alte Bilder von Rob und den Twilight "Raufbolden" und der Diner-Bedienung

In diesen Bildern sehen wir Rob zusammen mit den Twilight Raufbolden während der Twilight Wrap Party, die Bella bedrängen und die Eward dann soo niedlich anknurrt^^ Und außerdem gibt es noch ein Foto mit der Bedienung im Diner, die Bella unbedingt nen Früchteauflauf andrehen will :)

Hier findet ihr den etwas längeren Interviewauszug mit Ayanna Berkshire, in dem sie über die Arbeit mit Kristen und Robert spricht.

Ayanna Berkshire: I was aware of Kristen from Panic Room and she’d been working since such a young age, it was great to talk with her about filmmakers, acting and our mutual acting influences while we were between shots.

It was really interesting filming with Kristen, because she was such a quiet and thoughtful actress. She was very aware of what was happening around her on set, but then she could seamlessly drop into the scene and be fully engaged. She cares a great deal about what she’s creating as an artist and that was really cool to see in her. At the time, she was still 17 (she turned 18 on set, a big deal because it meant that she could work full days and not have to end early due to child labor laws) and she had been around for a long time already. I was impressed because she came across as a very seasoned and extremely professional actress.

via source

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