Freitag, 16. März 2012

Erneutes Lob für Rob von David Cronenberg

Eins kann man ja mal festhalten. Die Twilight Darsteller werden oftmals auf ihre Rollen der Saga reduziert. Dabei haben einige von ihnen schon vorher Filme gedreht. Aber manche können Neid eben nur durch Lästerei ausdrücken. Egal,...Ehm-zurück zum Post.
David Cronenberg war Rob´s Regisseur beim Film "Cosmopolis", für den wir ja Gerüchten zufolge heute eigenltich auch nen Trailer sehen sollten?! Gut,...dann eben nächste Woche *keeps fingers crossed* In jedem Interview das man von ihm liest, lobt er Rob´s Engagement und seine Hingabe zum Film. Sei es auf schauspielerischer Ebene oder sogar darüber hinaus. Auch in diesem Ausschnitt hat er nur nette Worte für ihn.

Und immerhin haben Viggo Mortensen und William Hurt unter seiner Regie schon eine Oscar-Nominierung bekommen ;)

His film Cosmopolis, based on the novel by Don Delillo, is in post-production. It stars Robert Pattinson as a Manhattan millionaire.

The film was shot in Toronto, a favourite shooting location of Cronenberg’s.

“I’ve never shot a foot of film in the U.S., even though a lot of my movies are set there,” he said.

Toronto also provided a refuge for Pattinson’s international celebrity, he said.

When we were shooting on the streets, [Pattinson] had a lot of fans crowding around, but he could go to bars and clubs in his street clothes and people didn’t recognize him,” he said.

Cronenberg said Pattinson has a deep knowledge of cinema with a talent that stretches beyond what is shown in the Twilight Saga franchise.

He’s a very serious actor. He wants to be great and takes the trouble to try and be great,” he said. “What he does in [Cosmopolis] will lay that question to rest, which a lot of people who are skeptical of Twilight are asking.”

Pattinson wouldn’t be the first actor to be recognized for his talent in a Cronenberg film.

William Hurt and Viggo Mortensen were nominated for Academy Awards for their respective roles in 2005’s A History of Violence and 2007’s Eastern Promises.

But winning an Oscar isn’t one of Cronenberg’s personal goals, he said.

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