10. "This is the first time, really, that I'll be confronted with a bunch of Twilighters. I guess I can see for myself. But I'm kind of nervous about it." — At
Comic-Con 2008
9. "The worst part is you've got to work almost every single day, which is something I'm never going to get used to." — On the downside of being Edward Cullen, at the Los Angeles
Premiere of 'New Moon'.
8. "I didn't see Taylor until just a little bit before we started shooting. When he came back, I had the same reaction as everybody else. I was like, 'Jeez, now I have to go to the gym!' — Speaking to about seeing
Taylor Lautner's pre-New Moon physical transformation for the first time
---> yop! wie er das gesagt hat war immer zum schießen :)
7. "It made me feel really tough, really hard. I don't think I've ever won a fight in my life." — On winning Best Fight with Cam Gigandet at the
2009 MTV Movie Awards
6. "To be honest, I should've been nominated in a few more categories."
--> LOL — On "New Moon" only receiving five noms at the
2010 MTV Movie Awards
5. "Before 'Twilight,' I did any movie that I got [offered], and you'd try and make the best of it afterward. But now you're expected to come into the movie and provide not only economic viability, but also a performance as well. You can't just mess around. People are like, 'We're employing you to be here, as a star and an actor.' It's difficult, and it's scary." — On the
pressures that come with superstardom.
4. "The idea of kind of doing this big romantic kiss, like Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams did [for 'The Notebook'], I couldn't do that. I'd be so embarrassed! So I just thought, 'We better do something dumb.' But then Kristen didn't want to do something dumb!" — On his awkward smooch with KStew while accepting the win for
Best Kiss at the 2010 Movie Awards
3. "I love how they release that for the first one. They just give it all away." — Speaking at the Golden Globes about the publication of a photo of
Edward and Bella in bed for their honeymoon.
2. "I like the story about me being pregnant. It was in some Australian magazine, on the front page! I was like, 'Wow, that's just [insane].' And it's not even ironic. I don't even think the article [tried to justify it]; it was just a headline. The article was just like, nothing." — On the strange things he learns when
Goggling himself.
1. "Lot of my crack in it!" — On his on-screen nudity in the upcoming drama, 'Bel Ami'.
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