Mittwoch, 22. September 2010

Robsten am OTR-Set Details

Wie gut, mal etwas weniger absurdes über den Beziehungsstand von Kristen und Robert in den Hollywood-Magazinen zu lesen^^ Wir stellen uns einfach mal vor es wäre so gewesen, komplett abwägig ist es ja nicht und was nun genau am Set los war erfahren wir ja eh meistens nicht :) Aber eins weiß ich: Go Robsten!!

All has been quiet on the Robsten front over the past couple months. That's because Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have spent little time together, both busy with new movies and new projects.

But despite ridiculous tabloid headlines, the couple is doing just fine. In fact, Rob recently visited Kristen on the set of On the Road in New Orleans. Someone working on that movie recounted his visit to Perez Hilton:
He was very professional while she was filming.H obviously knows the process. Everyone on the crew loved him. He was chatty, mostly talking about sports, London and getting ready for the next Twilight film. He couldn’t stop staying how happy he was to have some time off and how relaxed he felt!

Rob and Kristen would hang out on-set more times than not, but they also spent time in her trailer. There was no real canoodling or PDA’ing, but it was obvious they were together, a couple.

At the end of each of the three days, she and Rob would leave together. Because there were quick turnarounds for the day everyone just assumed they went straight home. They would return together to the set in the mornings.

via kstewartfans

1 Kommentar:

  1. das hört sich ziemlich glaubhaft an.. find ich auf jeden Fall mal..

    On a different note..
    Hat irgendjemand vor nächstes Jahr November zur BD Premiere zu fahren.. da sie ja schonmal in Frankreich ist kann man sich das ja eigentlich nicht entgehen lassen, oder? Ich weiss is noch lange hin, aber wollte nur mal wissen.. alle meine Freunde erklären mich für verrückt dort hinzufahren (die haben doch keine Ahnung ;). Da dacht ich hör ich mal nach weil ich halt lieber in ner Gruppe fahren wollte :D


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